Chad "DNA" Dehne
[click on pictures]
A Good Leader for
General Election FINALS in
Watch how Chad
DNA Dehne reacted after incumbent
mayor Bob Cashell eked
out a late in the evening win over the Marine
Corps Upstart Challenger
has shown time and time again that he is honest and cares about
average citizens. Unlike some other politicians, he cannot be bought.
His intelligence, experience, and common sense place him
head and shoulders above his opponents.
All honest and loyal citizens will want to support DEHNE
because he will attempt to implement the following Platform
(not in any order of priority):
(Where does the current City Council stand on these issues?)DNA Got Along with a Previous Mayor
photo courtesy of Mischelle Leach
Chad "DNA" Dehne Bob Cashell (deceased)
DNA even eventually commemorated his friendship
with his previous adversary with an Official USA Stamp.
Thank you for reading.
for Reno Mayor
Reno Mayor!
has shown time and time again that he is honest and cares about
average citizens. Unlike some other politicians, he cannot be bought.
His intelligence, experience, and common sense place him
head and shoulders above his opponents.
All honest and loyal citizens will want to support DEHNE
because he will attempt to implement the following Platform
(not in any order of priority):
(Where does the current City Council stand on these issues?)DNA Got Along with a Previous Mayor
photo courtesy of Mischelle Leach
Chad "DNA" Dehne Bob Cashell (deceased)
DNA even eventually commemorated his friendship
with his previous adversary with an Official USA Stamp.
Demand that candidates be allowed to review ALL ballots from ALL Wards/Precincts when election day arrives. And make it a standard practice for ALL candidates to be permitted to review ALL ballots for ALL Wards/Precincts for every election so that any printing errors and/or attempts at fraud and/or vote rigging and/or deception may possibly be uncovered and corrected. Make ALL voting software available to ALL candidates for examination if paper ballots are not used and hand-counted.
Outlaw public officials giving themselves pay raises; raises should be approved or disapproved by the people, the owners of government
Demand that the Reno media (that receives much of its funding from Reno taxes) be ordered to start telling the Truth. And to not be allowed to try to silence Reno's govt Watchdogs. Penalty for violation to be immediate firing of the guilty party/reporter/editor, etc
Put each and every controversial issue to a public vote as a way to prevent government being prostituted by politicians who have been bought by special interests; if there is any question about an issue being controversial, it is
Require all elected and appointed officials to take lie detector tests every 3 months; yes, Virginia, some politicians are given to deceiving the people they work for
Require all elected and appointed officials to take the same random drug tests that are imposed on government and private workers
Put term limits on all elected offices to prevent long-term power brokers
Require each public body in the State of Nevada to display a large wall sign in its meeting chamber showing: "We are public servants. Our business is the people's business. Yell at us when we forget."
Require all elected and appointed officials to sign a statement, under oath, acknowledging that they understand the importance of political dissent in a democracy ~ and that forcing a polite veneer (decorum) on unconstitutional, tyrannical, corrupt government is a no-no
Require all public officials to give straight, detailed answers to all questions raised by citizens about the people's business; not answering questions is deception by omission, a form of fraud
Require all public officials to recognize that government of, by, and for the people can not exist when public officials treat details of the people's business as none of the people's business. Democracy requires a well-informed electorate
Require all public officials to recognize that excluding the people from the conduct of the people's business in overt or subtle ways is un-American
Require all public servants to recognize that delivering government which is adversarial toward the owners of government is not acceptable ... and justifies immediate removal from any position of public trust and respect
Require all elected officials to recognize that they are supposed to represent (stand for) the will of the people, i.e., majority consensus; elected officials betray the concept of "representative" when they thumb their noses at their constituent
Ask each political party to renounce and publicly condemn any of its members holding public office who exhibit conduct that is adversarial toward truth, justice, and the American Way; parties should accept responsibility for any un-American actions perpetrated by any of their members
Identify and implement a statewide voting system that can be trusted ... one which does not incorporate technology that can be compromised and prostituted for the benefit of special interests
Make it a capital crime for any person or persons to tamper with the voting system with intent to subvert honest vote counts
Establish and fund a fully-independent ombudsman, with staff, in each Nevada county to protect the people from run-amok public officials, each ombudsman to be a licensed attorney responsible ONLY to the people
Make all public votes binding with no quibbling and no "advisory" subterfuge
Outlaw public officials making decisions by cutting a deck of cards; yes, Virginia, buffoonery is alive and well in Nevada
Require all elected and appointed officials to sign a statement, under oath, acknowledging that they understand the importance of political dissent in a democracy ~ and that forcing a polite veneer (decorum) on unconstitutional, tyrannical, corrupt government is a no-no
Require each public body to display a large wall sign in its meeting chamber showing: "We are not fit public servants when we communicate in any way that we don't give a damn about the concerns of each of our constituents."
Require each public body to display a large wall sign in its meeting chamber showing this U.S. Supreme Court ruling: "[As Americans, we have] a profound national commitment to the principle that debate on public issues should be uninhibited, robust, and wide-open, and that it may well include vehement, caustic, and sometimes unpleasantly sharp attacks on government and public officials."
Ask every elected and appointed official in Nevada to voluntarily take a course in how to earn and deserve public trust and respect
Outlaw "consent agendas" which are used to hide the people's business from the people
Ask all elected and appointed officials to take a course in the Bill of Rights and how to run a Constitutional meeting
The type of citizens who support DEHNE
Ask all elected and appointed officials to take a course in the meaning of their oath of office
Take sincere, meaningful steps to increase public attendance at government meetings
Ask politicians to voluntarily not promote or vote on issues that would benefit their major campaign donors; political influence and votes should not be buyable
Do whatever it takes to establish a new, honest, daily newspaper in Washoe County; democracy can not be healthy without a well-informed electorate
Work for national legislation to make it a serious crime for politicians to violate their oath of office
Work for national legislation to elect all federal judges; judges should be accountable to the people, not to other politicians
Work for national legislation to treat violations of the Bill of Rights as a form of treason
Strengthen whistleblower protection laws to make them fail-safe
Abolish the phony, window-dressing Nevada Commission on Ethics which is not ethical; it exists to protect rogue officials such as the woman who once headed the Commission while serving time under house arrest
Abolish all laws that discourage citizens from running for public office; this to include asinine fines for the late filing of routine paperwork
More of the types of people who support DEHNE
Overhaul the Reno Airport Authority of Washoe County.
Require public bodies to televise their meetings in the name of open government
Require each public body to acknowledge that the length of meetings is not the name of the game; the name of the game is delivering open, responsive, democratic government. Those officials who are unwilling to put in the time required to deliver decent government should get the hell out of public office
Require all public bodies to hold their meetings in locations which are reasonably accessible to the public; no more hide-and-seek "retreats"
Require all public bodies to permit 5 minutes per speaker during periods of public comment
Require all public bodies to recognize the right of each citizen to employ uninterrupted free expression during periods of Public Comment
Require each Nevada county to establish an independent citizens' Police Review Commission, each such Commission to be accountable to the people, not to politicians
Sponsor a national discussion regarding how to turn the nation's farcical, insane, crapshoot legal system into a true justice system
Sponsor a national discussion on wrongful arrests being employed by public officials as a way to suppress political dissent; each wrongful arrest should be recognized and treated as a kidnapping, a capital crime
Sponsor a "National College for Constitutional Government" where public officials will learn how to conduct themselves as servants and how to earn and deserve public trust and respect
Retain a firm of well-respected, private investigators to identify and make public the names of those persons who hold and exercise undue influence over one or more public officials; such officials to include Nevada's congressional delegation ... and judges at all levels, especially the federal bench
More of Chads friends. (sons, nephews and niece)
The Others Have The Moolah.
$$$$$Chad's Got The Oorah!
More About "DNA" DEHNE (click)
"Honey, did you just see what I just saw?"