Sam and Dakota are Watching Out for You
SAM DEHNE would be a Great Commissioner... Mayor... Governor...
Congressman... Senator... President
Here Is the "Vote for Sam Dehne"
CD Music
Album (click right below to see):
News Bulletin - 8 Nov, 2006
Last minute antics by The Reno Gazette Journal likely cost
Sam Dehne, Reno's Conservatively Cosmic Conscience,
incalculable numbers of votes in his campaign
for Washoe county commissioner.
Just 72 hours before the election the RGJ falsely stated that
Dehne did not submit his Campaign Expense Report.
When the RGJ was immediately advised of this error they
premeditatedly refused and failed to correct their falsehood.
This was even after Dan Burk, Registrar of Voters, acknowledged
the mistake by his department and guaranteed he would correct
it with the newspaper.
In what had been a hotly contested "pick 'em" District 2 contest,
the RGJ's deceptive reporting might have cost Dehne the election.
Dehne said he and his attorneys are pondering which Court to
Sam had $2,000 in Campaign Funding that got him 9,000 votes (NOT COUNTING
His opponent had $77,000 in Campaign Funding that got him 17,000 votes.
THUS Sam got 4.50 votes per dollar! While his opponent had to SPEND $4.50 dollars
to get just 1 vote!!!
Put another way, on a LEVEL PLAYING FIELD with both candidates having the same amount of money as Sam ($2,000), Sam's opponent would have received 444 votes. Or put the other way, if Sam had his opponent's money ($77,000), Sam would have received 346,000 votes!Thus Sam once again proves himself to be one of the most economically successful and fiscally conservative candidates in Nevada election history.
And along with those 1,000s of votes that were stolen from Sam by the vote counters...
there are those who actually voted for Sam's opponent just because they did not
want to lose Sam as the one of the World's Greatest Watchdogs...
and as Government's Conscience.PS
The "Election" of Gibbons (BURP!) and Heller (GLUB!)
is living proof and 24 carat gold-plated bona-fide evidence
that the vote counting corruption in Nevada is...
Heck, Gibbons' crony Heller was head of the dysfunctional Nevada
Secretary of State cartel that counted these creeps' votes!
But so what... this is America. No it isn't. It's Nevada.
Click on Sam's button to see reasons why he is
The Most Trusted Name in Reno Government
Doctor Dakota
Sam's assistant Campaign Manager is standing by to help you.
Sam's Campaign Expense Report that the Reno Gazette Journal MIS-reported as not being filed.
NOTE: When Sam ran for Reno city
council he spent zero dollars... and still received over 18,000 votes...
and that was before Dean Heller and his cronies
(click) stopped counting Sam's
Sammy - Aging Rock Star Challenges
the "System"
Campaign Billboards are the REAL Graffiti!
Call Sam: (775) 825-1398
email Sam (click)
The Concerned Citizens League supports Sam (click)
(It has even created a website using his Name.)
(Note: Sam's father, Doctor Ed Dehne, was one of the Chief Masterminds (weblink) of the Marshall Plan (weblink). The Marshal Plan was one of the greatest Reconstruction feats in the history of the world. It saved and restored Western Europe in the years immediately after World War II.)
Sam has a Simple Platform Statement: "As The Encyclopedia of Reno Government, I will continue my 10-Year Crusade (click) ... to expose corrupt mendacious perverted deceptive rotten evil wicked feebleminded imbecilic moronic nitwitted disconjerkutigulated preposterously-pathetic sleazy nasty cockamamie government noodleheads... wherever their heads pop up. I will continue to interject my "DNA" analysis into local government."
Good Government starts at the Local Grassroots level.
Government can be no better than the governments in the Cities and the Counties.
The vast majority of government employees are honest and detest having to work under bureaucrats they despise and cannot trust.
Citizens are sickened that their precious taxes are wasted defending the shameless perversion of local government officials.
Northern Nevada needs a protected watchdog whistleblower program to weed out corruption, kickbacks, collusion, and cronyism. As Commissioner, I plan to spend as much time as possible in Nevada trying to "weed" repulsive noodleheads out of the "grassroots".
I have attended... and lectured at... virtually every northern Nevada govt meeting for the last 11 years. I have a perspective that no other citizen or public official has. I have seen bad government (lots of it) in action and plan to refrain from similar pervertedness.
As commissioner I will demand that the media (print, radio, tv) start telling the Truth.
Too much money from Washington is spent in too many wrong places. It is time to redistribute those much-needed dollars to the regular citizens who deserve them... away from the bloated coffers of greedy Special Interests who waste them on feebleminded projects.
I will use the Public Comment podiums (and internet and email) as the means of staying in contact with citizens.
I will spend as little time as possible hobnobbing and wining and dining... and stay as far away from Special Interest mouthpiece lobbyists as possible.
My 11 years as Watchdog publisher, editor, investigator, and reporter for the free Reno Citizen internet magazine have provided me with extensive background relative to the terrible problems within Reno govt.
There will be no solicitation of a gigantic "pre-bribe" political slush fund. Thus, I will owe my allegiance to nobody... except the citizenry... and can therefore tell the TRUTH.... as opposed to having to speak out of 5 different sides of my mouth at the same time... as is the norm for most other politicians.
I have not bonded with a bunch of Fat Cats --- preferring to point out corruption... rather than kiss up to it.
PUT UP... not KISS UP!
Sam's Statement:
"I will continue my long fight for open, honest, respectable government. No
other candidate for the commission has actively fought as long and as hard
for clean government as Sam Dehne. No other candidate would, if elected,
make the waves that I intend to make. No other candidate would, if elected,
demand clean government as forcefully as I will. No other candidate, if elected,
would accomplish as much -- or in less time - than I will in returning Reno area
govt to its rightful owners."
"The world is a dangerous place to live; not because of the people who are evil, but because of the people who don't do anything about it." - Albert Einstein
Sam Dehne Graduating from United States Air Force Academy, 1962
A Very Brief Bio and List of Some of Sam's Accomplishments (current as of August, 2004):
$1,000,000,000 B-52 fuel Savings Program created single-handedly.
$100,000,000 saved by correcting the Nevada Air National Guard mission.
Instigated and championed Reno's Downtown Convention Center with RSCVA/Legislature - $100,000,000 project.
Graduate United States Air Force Academy -1962.
Air Force pilot in B-52, RF-4, RF-101 with Perfect Flying Safety Record for 20 years (ret Lt Col).
Star of his own weekly 1-hour television series... The Truth
Pan Am pilot until his proud airline was blown out of business by terrorists.
Pan Am Union Chairman 4 terms (New York Pilots/2nd Officers unit).
Ongoing feat of performing over 850 Charity Concerts for Senior Citizens.
Saved the Reno Parking Meters from 24 hour fee structure.
Master boxer - USAFA 139# Champion 1961.
The Reno Govt Watchdog with over 3,300 on-going oversight "lectures" at Reno area govt meetings (tax savings to citizens is unknown, but easily in the $100's of millions).
Editor, publisher, reporter for The Reno Citizen magazine for over 10 years... a pioneering internet effort.
Accomplished singer-guitarist with memorized repertoire of 1,000s of songs.
One of Sam's greatest "honors" is that he has never received an "honor" from the bureaucrats that he Watchdogs... honoring his heroic Crusades.
Click on Sam's button to see reasons why he is
The Most Trusted Name in Reno Government.
Sheriff Watches Sam at Carson City Meeting
Click on picture to hear what he is saying.
Click here for 2004 RGJ Report
Dehne challenging incumbent, says he wont spend a penny
8/23/2004 11:18 pm
Sam Dehne has attended just about every public meeting in the community for a dozen years, playing his guitar and railing against officials, the local media and whatever else pops into his mind.
Dehne, who calls himself the Encyclopedia of Reno Government, is challenging incumbent Councilwoman Jessica Sferrazza for the Ward 3 council seat. He calls Sferrazza his favorite member of the council and said he doesnt plan on spending one penny on his election bid.
I didnt think she should get a free ride, and I just have too much fun doing this stuff, Dehne said.
Dehne says hes commented at more than 3,000 local government meetings and offers videotapes of his performances as proof. Hes trying to get himself included in the Guinness Book of World Records for the accomplishment (Click).
Running for election is nothing new for the retired Air Force lieutenant colonel and commercial pilot. He ran for mayor in 1995, 1998 and 2002 and the council in 2000 but has never won a race.
He has been a thorn in the side of some officials and had a contentious relationship with former mayor Jeff Griffin. Dehne has twice sued the city or government officials after he was ejected from public hearings.
Both federal lawsuits were dismissed by district judges, but the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in San Francisco sided with Dehne and sent the cases back. They are scheduled for jury trials later this year.
Dehne moved to Reno in 1994. (Note: this was an RGJ mistake. Sam moved to Reno in 1967.) RGJ said that Dehne said its important to have someone who is willing to stand up and scream. (He didn't said that and he doesn't scream.)
These 3,000 + official video taped Public Testimonies plainly portray the Truth; that Sam does not "scream". (click)
It just disgusts me what has happened to this place, Dehne said. The traffic, the gridlock, the crime, the noise.
He said being a citizen activist is fun but frustrating and he doesnt expect to quit any time soon.
I would be relegated to hanging around Lake Tahoe drinking coffee in the morning and margaritas at night, Dehne said.
Doctor Dakota says "Vote for Dehne"
Here are some real questions that the RGJ is afraid to ask.
THE REAL QUESTIONS for The Encyclopedia of Reno Government:
* What did you do before you became The Encyclopedia?* What are some things you have done for Reno area?
Can you describe your historical place and participation
in Reno area government?* Considering the massive amount of work you have done and
time you have spent on your Crusade, how much are you paid?
How big is your staff?* What do you think of new city hall? It's parking problems?* What do you think of govt bureaucrats' salaries?* How do you feel about the RGJ's reporting of political news?
The rest of the media (TV & radio)?* How much are you spending on your campaign? In that case,
is it possible to win with no money spent?* What's your opinion of the Kayak course?* How about the county's financing of all their projects? Is
there enough money? Who should pay?* Why do you call yourself the Encyclopedia?* How long have you been playing the guitar? How many
songs do you know? How many charity concerts do you
perform each month... for how long? How many songs on
your latest CD?* What else have you done for Reno area? Has Guinness
book of Records contacted you yet?* Who is your favorite on county commission... on Reno city council?* What is the status of your 2 federal lawsuits (against Reno and Washoe's
Reno Airport) that were unanimously ordered to Trial by the 9th Circuit Court?* Why do you think the RGJ and Reno area govt is so jealous and afraid of you?* What is the first thing you will try to do as commissioner?
Maybe you should join the biggest Political Party in Reno? (click here)
.................................................((This is Sam's earlier Billboard... just substitute Commissioner for Senator.)
........................................ .........."Click" here to see the actual Billboard with Sam standing beside it.
[Sam has been instrumental in overseeing and often correcting local
politicos on the following Issues. He has kept them (sort of) straight.]
The Reno Airport is an integral part of Reno... period! The scandal-plagued Airport Board is mostly appointed by Reno City Council, but city hall refuses to take responsibility for the airport's abusive and moronic actions. The hideous Rewana Farms landgrab scheme, which played a role in the deaths of 14 of its innocent citizens... and the devastation of the lives of dozens of others, is an insult to democracy.
One of my first acts will be to demand a full-blown federal investigation of the Reno Airport and the misappropriation of $$$millions and $$$millions of tax dollars. Cargo hubbing in Reno is asinine. I will also do all that I can to replace the appointed aviation amateurs who are currently (mis)running the airport.
Relocation of the Airport should be publicly discussed and voted upon. Growth at the Airport is cancerous... with ever-increasing noise, danger, blight, and pollution. A real city council would protect citizens against local diabolical self-serving government bureaucrats... rather than contributing to the problem with kickback contracts.
Soliciting and subsidizing Cargo operations in Reno is flat stupid!
Citizens should be able to trust Public Servants to decide controversial issues in a manner that protects all the citizens... not just powerful Special Interests... but this is too often not the reality.
Public referendum votes must be used more often so that the "bosses" (the citizens) can give direction to their Public Servant "employees" when they are deciding controversial issues.
Citizens can understand public issues IF they are properly informed about the pros and cons of each issue.
The Public Servant has the responsibility to fully inform the public about complex issues. It is reprehensible to intentionally distort the facts.
The Railroad is an integral part of Reno, Nevada. City hall plotted to waste some $600,000,000 tax dollars (after massive Bonds are paid off) on their beloved Trenching Scheme despite the fact that a huge majority of citizens said NO. There were better solutions that are fair to the citizens of Reno. Building a trench exposes the town to construction blight for years.
See the report on this ridiculous scheme by clicking here.
It must not be allowed to be Cancerous. It must pay its way through impact fees. Taxpayers should not have to pay for negative growth impacts such as schools, roads, police, etc. The people should vote to approve or disapprove major proposed projects. Growth should not be decided by the entities that profit from growth.
There's not enough! (See GROWTH)
There's too much! (See GROWTH)
It is nothing short of outrageous for citizens to fund a million dollar city hall propaganda machine. "Actions speak louder than words." Any public funds that are used to "inform" the citizens should be distributed throughout the entire media of Reno. Reports originating from city hall should be balanced and objective, not slanted to serve the agenda of those city officials who are subservient to powerful Special Interests.
Economic development in the Truckee Meadows should be carefully evaluated. New companies should be discouraged from coming here unless they offer ONLY quality jobs which will not require public subsidies for their workers. ALL companies should have to pay taxes at the same % rate as the casinos. Corporate Welfare should be outlawed. Soliciting and subsidizing Cargo operations in Reno is flat stupid!
The road situation in Reno is an insult to its citizens. City Hall must prioritize its financial resources. Propaganda machines must be scaled back and roads fixed. The people have had to complain for too long.
The Open Meeting Law should be strictly enforced. No more Secret Meetings! The attorney general must start taking action against Public Officials who continuously violate this law and the spirit of this law.
The so-called state ethics commission should be disbanded for conduct undeserving of public confidence. The EthComm was created to protect innocent citizens against corrupt Public Officials. It has been doing just the opposite.
We have to stop the big boys from making the decisions. Casinos and developers are important in the local economy, but they should not be permitted to undermine democratic due process and decision-making.
Lobbyists should not be permitted to run amok anywhere...Period.
Super-secret tax-funded government organizations like the Economic Development Authority of Western Nevada should not receive tax dollar support in any amount as long as their meetings are closed to the public.
Reno can not compete with Las Vegas. Sam has always said we must promote our other local resources as well. Other businesses must pay taxes under similar guidelines that the casinos have to follow. No free rides! We should have wide scope public discussion of the future of gaming in the Truckee Meadows. However, soliciting and subsidizing Air Cargo operations in Reno is flat stupid!
Public servants should not be paid more than the average salary of the constituents they represent. They should all have to wear BIG name tags with their salaries plainly exposed thereon. And media should have to put this pay information in parentheses every time they print these bureaucrats' names.All proposed pay raises for elected officials should be approved or disapproved by public vote. Using hand marked Paper Ballots tabulated by eyeballs.
All Public Officials should be expected to abstain from voting on any issue that benefits his or her major campaign contributor/bribers... and/or especially THEIR PRIVATE COMPANIES AND CRONIES.
Water is scarce in Nevada. Citizens should be asked to use water wisely. However, water saved should not then go to further development... unless specific projects are approved by the citizens. During periods when water is plentiful, good judgment as to water use should be the order of the day.
Citizens should be permitted to discuss and decide major issues. Major decisions should NOT be made by the big boys. Hard questions asked by citizens should be given straight, honest answers by government officials. Immediate neighborhoods (a few streets or blocks) should be permitted self-determination. Cancerous growth projects should not be forced upon them by outsiders.
Key issues should be discussed at public meetings. They should NOT be discussed in secret meetings prior to public meetings... using telephone conferences, serial or chain meetings, less-than-quorum "briefings", email, memos, directives from special interest groups, or directives from lobbyists. The current Reno city council has too many "secret briefings" away from the citizens as a modus operandi. No more Secret Meetings. THIS IS WRONG!
As long as the law requires drug-testing for workers, the bureaucratic "brass" and elected officials should also have to comply. Simply put; that means elected Public Servants and all top bureaucratic staff should be tested periodically. In Reno, they have continuously refused to do what the city workers have to do.
Let all the citizens decide with a referendum state-wide vote.
Sam Graduating from United States Air Force Academy, 1962
"Sam Puts the 'DNA' in local government."
on picture)
The American people can have little trust in, and respect for, a Congress that serves special interests. Heavy campaign contributions buy the loyalties of individual members of Congress. A national public vote (referendum) must be taken to outlaw members of Congress from voting on issues that would benefit their major campaign backers. Major issues should be voted on by citizens. A republic is a form of democracy where leaders are elected by the people to serve the will of the people... not to function as an oligarchy!
The Internet has become a vital communication and systems control tool. People who intentionally attack the Internet with any virus or adversarial program should face a maximum penalty of death. This concern is so important that a new cabinet-level office should be established to monitor and ensure the integrity and health of the Internet.
Questions should be defined and answered regarding all aspects of improving transportation in the 50 states. Equal treatment and consideration must be given to the rights of all citizens; including those who are adversely effected by the noise, danger, and blight of the tremendous transportation explosion in the airline, air freight, and trucking industries. Big private transportation businesses must not be allowed to thrive upon the misery of local residents of our nation's cities.
A public vote (national referendum) should be taken to decide whether there should be a master insurance policy established to cover all U.S. residents and citizens. At present, too many Americans are either poorly insured or not insured at all. Health costs must be put under a microscope. Pharmaceutical companies should be required to reveal production costs of their medicines... to be compared to retail prices. Most companies are subsidized by one form of U. S. taxpayer-funded corporate welfare or another. This fact must be factored into their profit margins.
All research findings relating to social decay and related crime should be made public for comprehensive assessment. All entities wishing to keep the public in the dark about such research findings should be identified and treated accordingly. It is much more cost effective to prevent and deter crime... than it is to punish the perpetrators.
WAR: Senators (and other "leaders" who vote to go to war (other than in defense of America) must put on battle gear and "lead the charge". There has to be a real powerful and compelling reason to send young men off to sacrifice their lives and limbs.
A national referendum should be held to determine all gun laws. The Constitution says that citizens can have guns, but with that right, comes responsibility.
A federal Website should be established and maintained to display questions asked by citizens regarding the environment and pollution. Answers should be responsibly researched and also displayed on subject Website. The balance continues to be negatively in favor of big businesses that unfairly damage the environment and the health and lifestyles of citizens.
A federal Website should be established and maintained to inform Americans about all companies, foreign and domestic, that receive public subsidies in any form ... including "regular" contracts. Members of Congress who receive campaign donations from any business, large or small, should not be permitted to promote or vote on legislation that would benefit such business. A simple guiding factor would be for all government personnel who handle citizens' money (elected officials and bureaucrats)... to act as if the money they are dispensing is their very own. That is; dispense the taxes the way they would spend their own savings.
Abolish this archaic, top-heavy, and lethargic organization. The only thing worse than taking citizens' money... is wasting it.
Note: Some supporters ask if this platform is an indictment of the present day folly of politics. You decide for yourself. Where do the other candidates stand on these issues? Paid for by folks wanting honest government
Call Sam: (775) 825-1398
email Sam (click)
Concerned citizens league supports Sam (click)
Your Home Town Best
Section 2.02.02 of the Reno City Charter Law (also supported by numerous NRS Laws) orders that:
"Council members will have no direct or indirect leases, contracts, or agreements with the city of Reno." The man posing as Reno mayor flagrantly flaunts this Law. And the current city attorney lets him get away with it:
Is it right for (former Reno mayor) Jeff Griffin to vote on the appointments of Reno Airport Authority trustees who then almost immediately vote to give an Airport contract to the mayor's private company? NO!
Is it right for MISTER Griffin to give city money to secret taxpayer-funded organization EDAWN which does business with the MISTER Griffin's private company? NO!
Is it right for MISTER Griffin to approve secret backroom meetings to discuss multimillion-dollar decisions such as downtown redevelopment? Is it right to circumvent the Open Meeting law? NO!
Is it right for MISTER Griffin to tell any citizen that city business is, quote "None of your business"? NO!
Is it right for MISTER Griffin to push the agenda of his powerful, special interest campaign contributors? NO!
Is it right for MISTER Griffin to dispense large sums of tax dollars directly to political cronies who were, and are, instrumental in his election campaigns... effectively causing citizens to fund his campaigns with tax
dollars? NO!
Is it right for MISTER Griffin to think he has a "mandate" when he was elected by only some 18% of the eligible voters? NO!
Sammy Sings About An Old Boat and Other Things (click on picture)IMPORTANT "CLICK-ON" LINKS: (Place the mouse/cursor on item of your choice to read more)
Check out Sam's Qualifications
What has Sam Done?
Press Release - Back When Sam Ran for Reno Mayor
Recent biography as reported to the RGJ newspaper on 5 June, 2006:
Candidate Biographies - WASHOE COUNTY (DISTRICT 2)
Sam Dehne, Democrat Born: Sept. 24, 1940, Bismarck, N.D. Political: Unsuccessfully ran for Reno mayor in 1995 and 2002 and for Reno City Council in 1996 and 2000. Employment: Air Force and National Guard pilot, 1962-88, retiring as a lieutenant colonel; Pan American Airways pilot, 1967-91. Community: Too Wild Yankees Band performs for veterans and senior citizens groups. Claims he has attended every regular Reno City Council since 1995 and every regular county commission meeting since 1997, nearly 1,000 meetings and speaking more than 4,000 times. Hosts Sam Dehne Raw Rah show on public access television channel 16 on Friday nights for the past year; Reno resident since 1967. Education: Air Force Academy graduate, 1962. Family: Three grown children including Chad, who is running for Reno mayor, a daughter and step-daughter. Internet site:
Click to hear what he is talking about.
Sam, the Worker's Friend... Sam, the Businessman's Friend
Paid for by demand... for honest government
* Sam graduated from the United
States Air Force Academy - 1962.
* Air Force pilot in B-52, RF-4,
RF-101 with Perfect Flying Safety
Record for 20 years (retired as Lt Col).
* Pan Am pilot until his proud airline
was blown out of business by terrorists.
* Pan Am Union Chairman 4 terms
(New York Pilots/2nd Officers unit).
* Featured “performer” on his own
weekly 1-hour govt oversight
television series... The Truth.
* Ongoing entertaining passion
of performing over 850 Benefit
Concerts for Senior Citizens and Friends.
* B-52 fuel Savings Program created
single-handedly. (Saved $1,000,000,000)
* Dozens of millions of dollars saved by
helping change the Nevada Air National
Guard mission to the C-130 cargo plane.
* Helped instigate and champion Reno's
Downtown Convention Center -
$100,000,000 project.
* Saved the Reno Parking Meters
from 24 hour fee structure.
* THE Reno Govt Watchdog with over
4,300 oversight "Public Testimonies"
at Reno area govt meetings (tax savings
to citizens is incalculable, but easily
in the $100's of millions).
* Editor, Publisher, Reporter for The
Reno Citizen magazine for over 10
years... a pioneering internet effort.
* Accomplished singer-guitarist with
memorized repertoire of 1,000 + songs
that he performs at Reno area Benefit Concerts.
* Master boxer - USAF Academy 139# Champion.
** Note: One of Sam's greatest "honors"
is that he has never received an "honor"
from the bureaucrats that he Watchdogs.
* The Open Meeting Law should be strictly
enforced. No more Secret Meetings!
* It is silly for citizens to fund an expensive county
propaganda machine. "Actions speak louder than
words." Public funds that are used to "inform"
the citizens must be distributed throughout the entire
Washoe area media.
* The road situation in Reno is an insult to its citizens
and must be fixed.
* Public Officials must abstain from voting on issues
that benefits their big campaign contributors.
* Immediate neighborhoods (a few streets or blocks)
should be permitted self-determination.
* The questionable dealings that cost Washoe
taxpayers $13,000,000 during Ballardini Ranch
fiasco must be examined.
* New companies must be carefully evaluated
and should not be invited here unless they
offer quality jobs which will not require public
subsidies. Companies should have to pay
taxes at the same % rate as the casinos. Subsidizing
Air Cargo operations in Reno is wrong.
* Washoe should do more to promote Absentee Voting.
And computerized voting has to be re-examined.
* Paid lobbyists should be monitored very closely.
* Elected and appointed public servants should not be
paid more than the average salary of the constituents
they represent. They should have to wear name tags
with their salaries plainly exposed thereon. And media
should put this pay information in parentheses every
time they print these bureaucrats' names.
* There's more. See it at: WWW.RENOCITIZEN.COM
PS - Sam is Still Proud to be Humble.
Sam Dehne, Democrat, is candidate for Washoe County Commissioner.