(May, 1994)
Mills Lane
Sam Dehne (Reno's Next Mayor)
Mills "The
D.A." Lane versus Sam "Reno's best man for Mayor" Dehne
(Late Note: The Nevada Boxing Commission of Amateurs Unilaterally and Illegally Canceled this Bout)
Mills Lane has agreed to put the gloves on for one last time and step into the ring with top Reno Mayoral challenger, Sam Dehne. Mills, known world-wide as a boxing referee, will show fans that he is more than just a pretty face as he displays his Marine training and tenacity... against Sam Dehne, also a former boxer and former Air Force bomber and fighter pilot.
These 2 gentlemen will prove that even if you can't beat father time, you can slow him down.
Why would Dehné risk his health against this former slugging champion? He says because, "I want to prove that, as mayor, I will fight for our city... so I challenged the toughest scrapper I know of... to an exhibition boxing match."
Date and venue are set for late June in Reno. Ticket information and other details will be announced soon.
Proposed Rules of Engagement:
3 - 3 minute rounds
Standing 8 counts
16 ounce gloves
Standard headgear optional
And... no ear biting
Mills's quote:
Sam's gonna feel some pain, pain, pain...
Or his name is not Mills Lane...
Mills: "I want you!"
Sam: "Let's get it on!"
[Scroll down to read more] [Note: this site is still under constrution]
"Click" Below for instant links to More Information
b. Read about upcoming exhibition bout (Under Construction)
c. About Mills (Under Construction)
e. Mills's TV Program Information (Under Construction)
f. About Sam Dehne (Operational Site)
g. Write to Sam (Operational Site)
h. "Click" to Read One of Mills's Favorite Magazines (Operational Link)
Downtown Reno Gambling Halls Vote to Subsidize Arch-Rival Atlantis
By Sam Dehne
The innocent citizens of South Reno received another jolt from the fat-cat infested government bureaucracy known as the RSCVA (which has come to stand for Reno-Sparks Contaminating Authority).
This time there was a new boneheaded twist to the ongoing destruction of neighborhoods throughout Reno.
In a most subservient manner Reno's heretofore massive (and supposedly powerful) downtown casinos agreed to allow themselves to be hoodwinked into funding a Convention Center directly across the street (and far from downtown) from the Atlantis saloon.
In the simplest of words... they are paying for the Atlantis expansion.
What were they thinking? Why are they so willing to relegate themselves to "exclusive overflow bookings" from the Atlantis saloon?
Even anti-casino factions are scratching their heads in bewilderment. Home-boys unwilling to protect their turf from outsiders...
This fiasco is sad enough of its own accord. But the downright lunacy of such a noodleheaded expansion, with no attention paid to the fact that there is no parking and the area is already terribly polluted and congested, astounds even the most disconjerkutigulated brain.
Where are the so-called environmental and transportation specialists? Are they part of this collusive stupidity? The never-ending construction blight, danger, and pollution in and around the Atlantis saloon are an insult to good taste (a veritable Stratosphere north).
"Trickle-down" economic schemes like this are designed to engorge only the already bloated coffers of the fat cats. And they suck.
The golden turkey is on life support.
The brave citizens of South Hills have every reason to loathe the Atlantis saloon clan. This tiny group of nouveau-elitists also owns land in their beautiful serene neighborhood. These folks have watched the Atlantis saloon literally destroy neighborhoods up and down the streets around it.
Must one be reminded that the Atlantis saloon has ensconced itself onto the Airport Board, the Tourism Commission, and the RSCVA Board? These Special Interest "fraternities" are mostly comprised of the "usual suspects" (The clansman on the RSCVA is posing as the Reno Airport specialist... with NO aviation background.) Cronyism continues to be alive and well in Reno.
Most Renoites following this saga expected the old-time downtown casinos to protect their turf. But they were wrong. Incredibly... these moguls have agreed to "bankroll" their competition... thus almost ensuring the Atlantis saloon's survival and jeopardizing their own welfare.
It continues to be stomach-churning to hear the hypnotically hypocritical fat cats denigrate the needy proletariat peons... when a mother wants some money for food for her kids... while the Atlantis and other saloons garner $$$millions of government handout dollars... directly and indirectly.
The golden turkey is on life support and if it can't gobble on its own, it's time to pull the plug.
Casino-Corporate Welfare Stinks!PS
Sam Dehne did order the RSCVA to provide a similar venue downtown before those casinos got agree. RSCVA agreed.