of 2018)
and increasing the records all the time.
Sam Dehne Watchdogging... and Cadet Sam Dehne at USAFA Graduation, 1962
click for larger pictures
Sam Dehne Watchdogging... and Cadet Sam Dehne at USAFA Graduation, 1962... Sam
Dehne Entertaining
HERE to watch YouTube presentations of several of Sam's extemporaneous three-minute "Shows".
What was the Danger in
the Reno mayor's message to Sam? (click)
Sam Dehne, Lt Col, USAF (ret)
Nevada's Top-Rated Watchdog, Sam Dehne, Has Established
Extraordinarily Patriotic Debating Records that Will Never Be Broken
Some people say Sam is a Professor... giving Lectures.
Other people say Sam is a Preacher... giving Sermons.
Some say Sam is a Prophet... forecasting the
His extra-ordinary records plainly prove that he is one of the most prolific Public
Speakers and Debates of modern times. These are Public records that will never be broken.
Either way he gets his points across and has protected the citizens from
their government more times than anybody in American History.
Furthermore, in spite of all of these (and many other) great things that Sam
has accomplished, he is able to maintain his humbleness and modesty.
Note: Due to the insane fear and jealousy of Sam by
the local bureaucrats and
media (BURP!), most of Sam's Debates are one way.
The (Exclusive) 2,000/6,000+/1,000/60/20 "Public Service Society" with weblinks:
2,000 Government Public Meetings
6,000+ Official (televised) Public
TESTIMONIES as The Watchdog.
1,000 Charity Benefit
Music Concerts.
Friday Night 1 hour Television shows.
20 Music
Albums (each with at least 22 to 28 songs)
And all of this was accomplished after Sam turned 50.
And here's what helped him do it (Picture in 2008):
Sam Does Have a Heart
(actual live Cat. Scan)
(Picture from back in "the day" when Sam's
hairs were fatter... and longer.)
Some people say Sam IS You-Tube (click)father, writer, boxer, fighter pilot, bomber pilot...
airline pilot, union leader, orator, watchdog...
philosopher, newspaper editor, newspaper reporter...
song writer, musician, singer, televison
(boxing) announcer, and entertainer...("Click" Here to Write to Sam)
Sam Dehne, of Reno, Nevada Holds All The World Records for Attendance
and Public Comments at Government Meetings
Sam Dehne, a United States Air Force Academy graduate (click) and retired Air Force officer and pilot, owns all the Records when it comes to Attendance and making "Public Testimony" at government meetings. He has attended virtually every the Reno area meeting since 1995... with a streak of attending all Reno City Council meetings and Reno Airport meetings (except 1 each) since 1995. More Attendance streaks at the 3 other local governments' meetings started shortly thereafter.
Most people in the area are aware that this citizen of the Reno, Nevada community has been attending and "lecturing" at the local government meetings for many many years.
This spunky citizen-watchdog has been "appearing" ubiquitously at all of the local government meetings since 1995. As a matter of fact, most of the time this top-ranked entertainer even takes his guitar to the podium and extemporaneously sings the local political news to and about the bureaucrats. But he is also communicating with his 1000's of adoring fans who are watching the live broadcasts... or later TV replays.
Dehne, who is one of the greatest natural entertainers ever (click), sings about government double-dealings with dignified flare, pizazz, and elegance that would make Will Rogers jealous.
For the official record, there are copies of 37 full official (5 hours each) VHS video tapes of most of Dehne's 3 minute Public Comments at the meetings totaling more than an unbelievable 6,000+ official Public Testimony appearances. Furthermore, Dehne continues to add to his records every week.
Some of Sam's Ongoing & Ever-
Increasing "Talking" Numbers
6,000 +
Total Public Testimonies
220 +
Hours of Public Testimonies
(3 minutes each max)
3,000 +
Hours of Public Comments
on Local Television (w/replays)
247 +
Number of Bureaucrats Driven
Waco... some Out of Office
But the insanely jealous local news media Regurgitators refuse to report on these important records. They prefer to regurgitate headlines that appeal to their "bosses" at city hall and myriad other bureaucrats... about vintage cars, gambling "wins", and cats rescued from trees.
Dehne is the holder of (at a very minimum) the following World Records:
*Lifetime attendance at govt meetings by a citizen.
*Lifetime Public Commenting at govt meetings by a citizen.
*Single Year record for attendance at govt meetings by a citizen.
*Single Year record for official Public Comments at govt meetings by a citizen.
*Single Meeting record (13) for Public Comments at a govt meeting by a citizen.
* Most political "concerts" at Public Meetings by a citizen; lifetime, single year, and single meeting.
Numerous various and sundry other records relating to participation at govt meetings.
The Official video tapes (see picture below) authenticate and verify the massive number of "lectures" AND Dehne's attendance records. These are on-going records and streaks that continue as we speak.
Below is a brief analysis of the huge number of Official Public Comment's made by Sam Dehne's at local govt meetings starting in 1995 ( These are copies of the official govt video tapes of meetings by City of Reno, County of Washoe, City of Sparks, Reno Airport, and Reno/Sparks Convention Authority)
*Public Comments are 3 minutes each on 40 official VHS video tapes (no less than 5 hrs each) which equals:
5 hours X 60 minutes = 300 minutes and 300 minutes divided by 3 = 100 Public Comments per tape.
40 (5 hour) tapes multiplied by 100 Public Comments per tape equals a total of no less than 6,000+ Official Public Testimonies.
*Tape number one starts in 1995.
*Dehne has actually attended (and spoken publicly at) far more meetings than are depicted on these official tapes. That is because Reno city council did not start televising the govt meetings until mid 1995. Dehne started his record runs before that. And furthermore, the other 4 govt agencies did not start televising their meetings until a few years thereafter, circa 1996/1997. And there are myriad Public Testimonies that were not able to be taped.
*There are more video tapes that are not even in the suitcase... nor used to calculate these mind-boggling numbers.
Furthermore Sam Dehne dedicates his polished talents for free as part of his heroic Crusade to protect the citizens from their government. He does it without any Q-Cards or teleprompters.
What citizens get is - Sam Dehne Raw (and Rah!).
Sam doesn't stop there. He has "another side" too. He has been entertaining audiences with his guitar, his singing, and his jolly repartee at many of the Reno Seniors' venues for over 6 1/2 years... with an average of 15 charity concerts per month.
And on 30 July, 2004, Sam Dehne performed his 845th Charity Concert (click for details).
Sam's 8 (as of Feb, 2005) professionally produced music CDs (with over 30 song tracks EACH) of his Live performances can be seen on his "Yankee" site by clicking here.
(Here you have 5 hours per tape times 46 Official Tapes equals more than
13,000 hours of Watchdogging Against Reno govt bureaucrats and media mouses)
Above is a picture circa 2009 of Video Tape
Proof of some of the 15 Years
of Sam's
extemporaneous kick-buttafookoe-like-nobody-else-ever Public Testimonies at Government Meetings
And then came the DVD Watchdogging Years (100s of hours!!):
Warrior- Sam DNA Dehne (click)
A comment from an anonymous expert:
"Great site."
"Congratulations on all the effort and sense of mission that went into what you've accomplished."
A Very Brief Bio and List of Some of Sam's Accomplishments (current as of August, 2004):
$1,000,000,000 ($Billion$) B-52 fuel Savings Program created single-handedly.
$100,000,000 saved by correcting the Nevada Air National Guard mission.
Instigated and championed Reno's Downtown Convention Center with RSCVA/Legislature - $100,000,000 project.
Saved the Reno Parking Meters from 24 hour fee structure.
Graduate United States Air Force Academy -1962.
Air Force pilot in B-52, RF-4, RF-101 with Perfect Flying Safety Record for 20 years (ret Lt Col).
Pan Am pilot until his proud airline was blown out of business by terrorists.
Pan Am Union Chairman 4 terms (New York Pilots/2nd Officers unit).
Ongoing feat of performing over 850 Charity Concerts for Senior Citizens.
Master boxer - USAFA 139# Champion 1961.
The Reno Govt Watchdog with over 3,300 on-going oversight "lectures" at Reno area govt meetings (tax savings to citizens is unknown, but easily in the $100's of millions).
Editor, publisher, reporter for The Reno Citizen magazine for over 10 years... a pioneering internet effort.
Accomplished singer-guitarist with memorized repertoire of 1,000s of songs.
One of Sam's greatest "honors" is that he has never received an "honor" from the bureaucrats that he Watchdogs... honoring his heroic Crusades.![]()
Here's the kind of %^@#$^&^&*$%@#$ "Record(?)" that Guinness thinks is important:
World's biggest burrito (click)
Return to Reno Citizen magazine (click)