You can plainly see Sam DNA Dehne has more natural charisma, gumption, moxie, and extemporaneous
ability to control the bureaucrats than Trump, Limbeaux, Sandoval, et al.
Is Sam Right or Left, Red or Blue, Conservative or Liberal? Or all of the above? You decide.
All you know for sure is that Sam "knows".. and tells. 

Watch Sam tell the "thems" what to do with our schools. That are being funded by a never-
ending infinite school tax. America has never had a more Patriotic Warrior and Entertainer.
Who remains patriotically humble.


Sam DNA Follows God's Orders. [Part 1] God is Responsible for Results. Epiphanies Are Rampant


Sam DNA Follows God's Orders. [Part 2] God is Responsible for Results. Epiphanies Are Rampant.

Sam DNA Follows God's Orders. [Part 3] But God is Responsible. Epiphanies Are Rampant.

Sam DNA Follows God's Orders. [Part 4] BUT God is Responsible for Results. Epiphanies Are Rampant.


See 100s more Official Youtubes of Sam saving Reno from
media wacko-freaks.. and from govt bureaucrats Here (click)

Every week for 23 years Sam DNA Dehne has gone onto this battlefield to face
deers in the headlights media wacko-freaks and body-snatched wifi podders.
Sam says more in 3 minutes than all the rest say all day long.

Here's a few Extra "Closer" Bonuses:

  • Sam DNA Dehne provides audience with valuable jolly repartee. Hilary, C-130, Lisner, Jessica