1999 Version of Reno City Manager's Pay Raises... nothing much changed from 1998... except to get worse... also appropriate for subsequent years... just change the numbers here and there:
Who Says Reno City Manager Does Not Deserve More Huge Bonuses?
by Sam Dehné
Reno's Rubber-Stamp city council gave the 3-year city manager another huge $26,000 pay-raise and bonus... engorging the total package to some $145,000.
A cursory observation reveals that this increase was justified... about as much as the never-ending secret meetings city hall has with the elitists. An analysis of important parameters of livability poignantly portrays another city council blunder.
Compare just a few on-going problems... with 3 years ago... before his unfortunate arrival:
Blight... worse.
Air and Noise pollution... worse.
Traffic congestion... worse.
Proliferation of catering to Special Interest Groups... worse.
Ridiculous taxpayer-funded $$$million dollar propaganda machine... worse.
Taxpayer-funded Railroad trenches... worse.
More deaths during Reno Airport's perverted landgrab... worse.
Cancerous growth... worse.
Violations of the Open Meeting Law... worse.
18 Wheeler Big-Rig trucks driving up and down peaceful neighborhoods... worse.
Increase in Property Tax revenue (up 18% again)... worse.
Potholes and lousy roads... worse.
Funneling of tax dollars back and forth between mayor and his cronies... worse.
Violations of the City Charter... worse.
Reno's Airport kickback contract schemes for the mayor's private company and other numerous violations of the Law... worse.
(Note: These last 3 were so nasty before... that it is hard to conceive of them getting worse... but they did.)
Readers should be getting the point by now... most important areas of the city are worse. The city manager was very lucky to keep his job... period.
Pay raises for shameful numskullness is noodlehead government.
1998 Version of Reno City Manager's Pay Raises:
Reno City Manager Does Not Deserve Huge Bonuses
by Sam Dehné
With no viable explanation, Reno's Rubber-Stamp city council gave our 2-year city manager a huge $16,000 pay-raise and bonus... up to a total package of more than $120,000.
An objective observation clearly reveals that no increase was justified. An analysis of important parameters of livability poignantly portrays their blunder. Compare a few current and on-going problems... with 2 years ago:
Blight... worse.
Air and Noise pollution... worse.
Traffic congestion... worse.
Increase in gang activity... worse.
Proliferation of catering to Special Interest Groups... worse.
Ridiculous taxpayer-funded propaganda machine... worse.
Cancerous growth... worse.
Violations of the Open Meeting Law... worse.
Potholes and lousy roads... worse.
Funneling of tax dollars to mayor's cronies... worse. Violations of the City Charter... worse.
Reno's Airport kickback contract schemes for the mayor's private company and other numerous violations of the Law... worse.
(Note: These last 3 were so nasty before... that it is hard to conceive of them getting worse... but they did.)
Readers should be getting the point by now... most important areas of the city are worse. The CM was very lucky to keep his job... period.
If any areas of livability have improved, the excellent rank and file city workers deserve the credit. If there is any spare money in the tax coffers, give THESE workers the bonuses!
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