by Sam Dehne
Every other Sunday the Reno Gazette newspaper allows a retired Army one-star spokesman for elitist Special Interests to defend those powerful Special Interests.
The writer, however, does not merely defend his benefactors... he also tries to squelch those who raise their voices in opposition to the destructive tactics of local government and businesses. How much does this one-star pay the Reno Gazette for that space... where he is given free reign to distort reality and propagandize?
He writes that "... a failed political candidate's continued regurgitation of rejected views is not news." Not news?!?
Let's take a look at the latest redundant "regurgitations" of this perplexedly postulating one-star. What are his views compared to the "political candidate" (me) he is writing about? Let's take a look at just a few:
I stand for: ............................................................. Do he and his fat cat cronies then stand for:
Open government .......................................................Government behind closed doors?
EDAWN following the law ......................................... EDAWN continuing its illegal secret meetings?
Citizens' right to speak at government meetings ......Muzzling of citizens?
Protection of, and responsibility, for taxes ................Abuse of the tax process?
Protection of the rights of citizens to live .................. Confiscation of and destruction of citizens homes?
on and enjoy their land
This juxtaposition could go on and on...
I once devised a plan that has saved the American taxpayers more than a $billion dollars. Can the one-star say the same? My goal is to protect precious taxes... not waste them on corporate welfare projects that benefit the greedy fat cats. What has he done? What is his goal?
The American Society of News Editors would agree that newspaper credibility is "on the decline based on" gobbledygook like this fat cat lackey's column. It is very likely that I was among the very few... who waded through the column of 2/14/99 to its... too-long-in-coming end.
Serious local issues will not go away simply because the one-star is embarrassed by them. What's so hard to understand, Twinkle?