GONE BUT NOT FORGOTTEN - USAFA Class of 1962 RTBs (Red Tag Bastards)
Website built, designed, and overseen.. with very little pleasure.. by Sam DNA Dehne, (Class pseudo-"mortuarian")reach Sam at renocitizen@gmail.com
Listen to Music to Go to Heaven With (Magee/Dehne)
Back in 1958 a group of young men started their journeys...
NEW! THE Virtual/Real Air Force Academy Cemetery with names and locationshttps://burialsearch.com/ecims#/s/424/Air_Force_Academy_Cemetery
As of 1 June, 2021, there are 89 RTB's are on this special Sacred list.
NAME............Mo/Day/Yr ..HOW........... Combat and/or Location
Toffel, George... Feb-6 64 B-47 Crash US-Mountain Home AFB, ID
Harlan, David... Nov-10 64 B-52 Crash US-Glasgow AFB, MT
Starkey, John... Mar-19 65 Civ A/C Accident Canada- Newfoundland
Watson, Donald...Jul-31 65 F-100 Crash Vietnam (S)
Carn, Robert... Aug-19 65 O-1F Crash Vietnam (S)
Ford, Ralph... Aug-25 65 F-100 Crash US-Nara Vista, NM
Hauschildt, John... Oct-5 65 F-100 Battle Vietnam (S)
Griffey, Terry... May-26 66 F-4C Pilot - Battle Vietnam (S) (Obituary)
Franco, Charles... Jun-7 66 O-1E Battle Vietnam (S)
Baker, Samuel... Oct-23 66 T-28 BattleThailand (Obituary)
Wilson, G. Scott... Nov-22 66 F-4C Battle Vietnam (N)
Moore, Charles L... Jul-12 67 F-100 Battle Vietnam (S)
Svitenko, Leonard... Jan-21 68 B-52 Crash Greenland [Thule]
Hornaday, Jeff... Mar-27 68 F-105 Battle Thailand
Brinkman, James... Apr-1 68 F-100 Battle Vietnam (S) [Brief Honorarium]
Rogers, John... May-16 68 Auto Accident US-Wsthmptn Bch, NY
Martin, Harold... Aug-23 68 Rx Attack Vietnam (S)
Griffin, Charles... Dec-13 68 OV-10 Battle Vietnam (S)
Brucher, John... Feb-18 69 F-105D Battle Vietnam (N)
Fox, Darrell... Oct-24 69 F-4E Crash US-Las Vegas, NV
Miko, John... Jan-14 71 Cancer US-Los Angeles, CA
Carroll, John... Nov-7 72 O-1 Crash Laos (Here is the link to movie of John's 2013 Memorial Service - click)
Tocado, Douglas... Feb-28 76 Civ A/C Accident, US-Estes Park, CO
Olson, Darryl... Mar-4 80 F-15 Crash W. Ger (Solligen)
Dryden, William... May-93 Air Craft Accident F-16 Ft Worth TX
Schaumberg, Bob... Dec-12 83 Heart Attack US-MacDill AFB, FL
Sellers, David... Jun-22 89 Heart Attack US-Marietta, GA
Howell, William... Sep-21 90 Cancer US-Valencia, CA
MacNevin, Charles... Sep 91 Cancer US-Florida
Brown, Chris... Sep-7 91 Heart Failure US-Fairfax, VA
Nichols, Howard... Jan 2, 1994 (cause unknown)
"Doc" Morris D. Smith... Feb 17, 1997 Hit and run car US
Howard Kaber Carroll... 28 Dec 95 of Non-Hodgekinson's Lymphoma, directly related to exposure to Agent Orange in SVN
Tom Rhoades... June-21 98 Heart Attack US
Daryl Wood... October 11, 2000 Cancer
Fred Gerken... February 26, 2001 Cancer
Gene Pacina... May 5, 2001 (cause unknown)
Kent Lammers... December 7, 2002 Car Accident (Mexico)
Bill Mannion... February 16, 2005 Cancer (Green Valley, Arizona)
Brad Beck... February 11, 2006 Long Illness (Post Falls, Idaho)
Maynard Goldsmith... Feb 11, 2003 No other details available (Auburn, Wash.)
Troy Tomlin (great notes)... Jan 3, 2008 No details available at this time (Mt View, Cal)
Francis Kinney Smith, LTC (Ret), passed away Feb 4, 2008, due to complications from leukemia
Ron Wesley Duvall, Passed away Dec. 23, 2008. Served in the U.S. Air Force during the Vietnam War. Cause of death unknown.
Donald Hutchinson, Lt Col (Ret), January 25, 2009 (Biography)
Owen Hawkins... (Capt, 1968, Res) July 25, 2009 (Obituary)
William O'Rourke, Col (Ret), December 27, 2009 - Leukemia
Charles L. Turner, Lt Col (Ret) May 19, 2009 - Heart Attack
Bob Huntsman, Major (Ret) May 15, 2011 - Illness (Obituary)
William T Harvey, Lt Col (Ret) May 4, 2011- Heart (Obituary)
Warren Robbins, Lt Col (ret) May 17, 2011 - Several Illnesses (Obituary)
Jim Qualey, April 10th, 2012, Received heart-lung transplant, and later passed away (Obituary)
Rick Wheeler (obituary) , Col (Ret) January 22, 2012 (car accident)
Larry Lynn, Maj (Ret) January 30, 2012
Larry Nichols (obituary) Oct 2, 2012 - complications associated with pulmonary fibrosis.
John Flanagan, Brig Gen (Ret) Oct 21, 2012
Bob (Kuc) Kuchlewski - Age 73, passed away, April 10, 2014. Cause of death unknown at this time. (From 2007 Reg of Grads -
MedDisc 1/Lt 64, Assoc Prof Ophthalmologist, Wright St Univ. )
Robert "Bob" DeBerry - Dec 14, 2014 (Obituary/Eulogy)
Norm Roderick - April 6, 2015 of natural causes.
Bill Knipp - July 25, 2015 of natural causes. (Obituary/Eulogy) (Here is heck of slide show of life [click])
Jerome MacLennan - Sept 28, 2015 (Obituary/Eulogy)
Warren Snyder - Col (ret) November 7, 2015
Bo Daugherty - Lt Col (ret) January 5, 2016 of surgery complications
Ted Neff - January 9, 2016 of natural causes. (early tribute.. with pictures)
"Joe" John Guilmartin - March 10, 2016 of natural causes (Obituary, click)
(Tribute to, by, and for Joe - click)
(Another of Joe's Observations)
Larry R. Harmon - June 12, 2016 after brief illness in Rancho Bernardo, CA. (obituary, click)
Michael Hughes - December 29, 2016 peacefully. Link to Washington Post citation: Michael Hughes (age 75)
Hodgkinson, Richard L. - January, 26, 2017 Col (Ret) at Bedford, N. H. (obituary, click)
[ NOTE: Much data for the deceased RTBs between June 1, 2017 and July 2, 2018 (Jensen and Holbrow) was lost.
Anybody who has info please email it. June 28, 2019 - I think I finally brought it up to date. Let me know if otherwise. ]
Niels D. Jensen (Lt Col (Ret) - June 1, 2017 in San Antonio, Texas, after a battle with Parkinson's Disease.
Michael Major - Sept 3, 2017 after long battle with lung cancer that eventually spread to his brain. (Tribute to follow soon)
Bob Gibson Dec 26, 2017 (col-ret) After long illness.
Fred Hendryx Jan 31, 2018
Willie Holbrow Mar 4, 2018 (partial Obituary)
Keith Keppen - Mar 9, 2018 after a battle with cancer. (Obituary)
Fred Fiedler - Mar 20, 2018 major gen (ret)
Roy Emanuel - May17, 2018 after a battle with cancer (obituary)
Weatherhead Herbert (Herb) - July 2, 2018 (Complications) (obituary)
Conlan, Ralph - October 6, 2018 (cancer) (obituary - see below, also Obituary)
Butchko, Mike - December 5, 2018 (Passed away peacefully) (Obituary)
Browning, William - March 16, 2019 (Passed away in hospital) (Obituary)
Paddon, Harry G. III - June, 2019 (Obituary)
Bernard W. Johnston - October 6, 2019 (mini-Obituary)
George Larson - November 14, 2019 (Peacefully after prolonged illness) (Biography [1992])
Robert "Bob" McDonough - February, 21, 2020 (Peacefully after a stroke) ( Obituary )
Harold "Hal" George Keck, Jr. - May 4, 2020 (Passed away Peacefully at home) (Obituary)
Robert "Duke" Green - February 8, 2021 (Details to follow)
Al Edger Jackson - March 18, 2921 (Obituary)
Jim Gallagher - April, 2021 (Obituary - w/bonus VIDEO!)
EC Newman - April 7, 2021, ONE of a Kind (like many RTBs) passed away Peacefully (Obituary [click] Also below)
Rudy Bow - May 6, 2021 (details unknown)
Larry Gooch - May 21, 2021 (Obituary)
Alex Harwick - May 27, 2021, Peacefully and with loved ones by his side. (Obituary)
Gerald "Reb" Daniel - July 12,2021 ".. passed away this morning, peacefully, in his sleep .." (Obituary and Tributes)
Lewis Svitenko - August 19, 2021 about 53 years after his brother!!! (Obituary)
Robert Weight - September 12, 2021 - only info at this time on Face Book
Gordon Billington - November 9, 2021 Col (Ret) (Obituary)
Frank Urban - 16 December, 2021 - (details of death unknown at this time) (Obituary)
Colin Richardson - 22 February, 2022 - (Passed away from health complications with family around him) Details to follow.
Jon R. Staples - May 19, 2022 (Obituary)
K B [Kirk Blystone] Clark - July 31, 2022 (Obituary) [NOTE: Do not miss this w/video and more. Kinda epitomizes most RTBs!!]
Andy Banford - November 2, 2022 (Obituary)
Tupper, Nathan - November 29, 2022 (Obituary)
Pirtle, Paul - 22 December, 2023 [cancer] (Obituary)
Lenox, Hamilton "Tay" - 20 January, 2023 [peaceful] (Obituary)
Hutchison, Thomas - 23 April, 2023
Griffin, Chet - 3 June, 2023 [Check his stories on Facebook]
Engels, Geoff - June, 2023 (Surgery complications)
Robert Bartley - August, 2023 (details unknown)
John Luebbermann - Sept, 2023 (Obituary not available at this time)
Nels Nelbert Niemi - Oct 10, 2023 (vehicle accident) Obituary (click) [FB:"The Nels Nelbert Niemi Memorial Page"]
Peter (PD) Robinson - Dec 1, 2023 (after brief illness) Obituary - (click)
Leo Johnson - Jan 6, 2024, Passed Away at Home. Obituary (click)
Randy Schamberger - Jan 14, 2024 [victim of Covid and respiratory problems]
Jack Jamba - March 2024 A severe lifelong bout with happiness [Celebration]
Ted Dykes - 16 May, 2024 Peacefully at home
Chuck (Charles) Allport - 22 July, 2024 Passed away after illness. Obituary
George Thompson - 4 April, 2024 Passed away Peacefully. Obituary
Gail "Evil" Peck - 10 October Passed away Peacefully. Semi-Obituary
Thomas "Tuck" McAtee - 24 Jan, 2025 Passed Away Peacefully. Brief History
(RTB) F-100 Loss Perspective
Back, L-R: Tuck McAtee, Dave Lyon, Art Farrington, Gordy Billington (RIP), K.B. Clark (RIP), Goldy Goldman,
John Hauschildt (KIA F-100 Vietnam 5Oct’65), Chuck Turner, (RIP), Jim Brinkman (KIA F-100 Vietnam 1Apr’68'), Russ Easter,
Rudy Bow (RIP), Daryl Olson (RIP F-15 accident 4Mar80, Germany), Don Shepperd, Ralph Ford (RIP F-100 accident 25Aug'65,AZ),
P.K. Robinson (POW F-4 1JUL72), Don Watson (KIA F-100 Vietnam 31JuL’65)
_____________________________________________________________________________A Few "De-Briefings":
EC Newman (by EC):
Colonel E.C. Newman II, an Air Force fighter pilot and test pilot, slipped the surly bonds of earth for the final time on 7 April, 2021 after a tough fight with an aggressive form of multiple myeloma, one of the Agent Orange diseases. He was preceded in death by his wife, Lynn. E.C. was born and raised in rural Sampson County, NC, the son of Marshall Thomas Newman and Isabell Butler Newman. In 1958, he graduated from Clinton High School, waved good-bye to the tobacco fields, and left the family farm for the US Air Force Academy. In 1959, he and his new teammates played in the first ever Air Force-Army football game, a 13-13 tie in Yankee Stadium. He graduated from the USAF Academy in 1962, the USAF Fighter Weapons School in 1969, the USAF Test Pilot School in 1974, and Troy State University in1984. He was the Top Gun of the 335th Tactical Fighter Squadron. He was the Weapons Officer of the 4th Fighter Wing at Seymour Johnson. He was the Weapons & Tactics Officer of the 366th Fighter Wing at Da Nang. In the Vietnam War, he flew 227 combat missions, and led 16-ship formations in air strikes over North Vietnam. He served in Korea during the Pueblo crisis. He was qualified in and flew many different airplanes, ranging from the J-3 Cub to the 747 to the F-14, but his favorites were the F-4, the F-8, and the F-16. He retired from the Air Force in 1987, and from United Airlines in 2000. The world of military aviation gave him tremendous joy. He liked playing racquetball, which he thought was the greatest game ever invented. He loved worshiping God with the community of Banner Elk Presbyterian, the Avery County Senior Center, and Feeding Avery Families. And, except for tobacco worms, boll weevils, snakes, and freezing rain, he liked most of God's creations. His greatest joys and most precious memories came from God, and the family God gave him: his loving parents, Tom and Isabell; his nurturing grandparents, Edwin and Emma Newman, and Addison and Novella Butler; his super siblings, Marshall, Kitty, and Hilton; his many wonderful aunts, uncles, and cousins; Lynn, his best buddy, greatest hero, all-time MVP, and terrific wife of nearly 49 years; his incredible children, Angela and Edwin, who he thought served as evidence that he and Lynn improved the breed; his remarkable grandchildren, Thomas, Bennett, Bobby, Max, and Shelby; plus many great in-laws, friends, and acquaintances. He believed that his time in this world was like a mere nanosecond in God's whole scheme of things, but he enjoyed his life on Earth, and felt very blessed. And thanks be to Jesus, the Great Adventure continues.
(Hymns at memorial service: Precious Memories and Battle Hymn of the Republic, sung by the BEPC choir or the BEPC men's choir and congregational hymn of Onward Christian Soldiers, Bible verses and other things in Survivor Stuff document.)
The First to Leave Us...
A few years ago I was calling on a prospective Hawker buyer in Boise. The
chief pilot had a picture of a B-47 in his office. I asked him if he had
flown a B-47. He said he had been a young crew chief on a B-47, that
particular one, at Mt. Home AFB in Idaho. He said he kept the picture because
he was almost killed in that plane when it crashed. He was scheduled to get a
reward ride in the plane. At the very last minute, they bumped him for a new
brown bar who needed an orientation ride. The experienced AC over rotated and
wiped out on take-off. The new second lieutenant was George Toeffel. My
experience with George was as a summer roommate. He was all the uncouth
things you guys remember, but he had a great smile and a heart as big as
Alabama. Since someone had to go first, I think we can all be proud to follow
George back to the One... who put RTB's on this planet... to make it better.
Stub (Bob Staib)
One classmate in particular sticks in my memory,
Johnny Brucher. I was at Da Nang when he was shot down and still
remember the intel brief that next day. As I remember it, he was
shot down late in the day and they could not mount a rescue effort
until the next day. His flight talked to him after he was on the
ground. He was high on a mountain ridge and had broken his leg on
landing but otherwise was OK. I think it was the Mu Gia pass area on
the Laos side. He said he would stay under cover and look for rescue
the next morning. The group that went after him could not raise him
on the radio the next day, nor the following few days they went back
to that area. I have gone to the US Military MIA web site but it did
not contain any information.
I remember thinking that if shot down over North Viet Nam, he might
be a POW, but there were no reported POWs from Laos. Did anyone ever
hear any thing else.
Al Jackson (Note: People lost in Laos simply disappeared. We lost a Special Forces team near
the DMZ in Laos, Dec 2, 1966. We know they were taken prisoner by the NVA
(325C Div) - two of our Vietnamese team members got away - and the NVA
unequivocably deny any knowledge, even though the MIA's ID card turned up in a
DIA file. The NVA party line "Talk to the Laotians". Johnny Brucher was
apparently one of those tragedies. May God have mercy on him - the NVA were
not nice people. John Flanagan)
Ralph Edward Conlan went to be with the Lord on October 8th, 2018 after a short battle with cancer at the age of 79. Ralph was born in 1939 in the Detroit, Michigan area. He graduated from the Air Force Academy in 1962 and proudly served our country for 26 years. Ralph was a fighter pilot in Vietnam and served in Korea. His last duty assignment was as the Commanding Officer for the Air Force ROTC Unit at Embry Riddle University. He was also the founder of a local glass company, Alpha Omega Glass & Mirror. After retiring the second time, he focused on his golf game, bowling in various leagues and serving as a church usher. He is survived by his wife of 54 years, Patricia J. Conlan, his sons Steve (Cathy), Tim (Angie), Matt (Alysia), eight grandchildren, three great-grandchildren and his sisters Shirley Utter and Carol Ravey. A memorial service will be held in his honor on October 27th, 2018 at 1:00 pm at Cross Roads Baptist Church 1851 S Clyde Morris Blvd., Daytona Beach, FL 32119. In lieu of flowers, the family kindly asks for memorial contributions be made to Cross Roads Baptist Church Building Fund (crbible.com) or Samaritan Purse (samaritanspurse.org) in Ralph honor.
USAFA Class of 1962 Roster (Date Unknown)
Last Name / First Name / City / State / ZIP
Adams Wendell Springdale AR 72762-0301
Alexander Robert Alexandria VA 22308-2034
Allport Charles Beavercreek OH 45434-6995
Altman Herbert Las Vegas NV 89144-4270
Anderson Robert Burley ID 83318-2824
Anderson Jack Scottsdale AZ 85254-3866
Annis James Pike Road AL 36064-3340
Babin Logan Houma LA 70363-7819
Backman Vernon Brigham City UT 84302-2966
Banford Alfred Crystal Bay NV 89402-0307
Banks Frederick Capitola CA 95010-2246
Bartley Robert Harpswell ME 04079-2271
Baucom Donald El Prado NM 87529-9542
Baughman Gary Marietta GA 30064-1381
Baxter Robert Carmel NY 10512-3704
Biegalski Conrad Tacoma WA 98406-1517
Bifolchi George Colorado Springs CO 80906-2354
Billington Gordon Standish ME 04084-5420
Blaisdell Michael Woodland Park CO 80863-7901
Bobko Peter Oak Ridge NC 27310-9621
Bockelman David Redondo Beach CA 90277-3100
Bolster Carl Arcade NY 14009-9756
Bow Rudolph Mesa AZ 85207-1827
Bradstreet Franklin Ashland MA 01721-1238
Brothers John Albuquerque NM 87111-8339
Browning William El Dorado Springs MO 64744-0272
Butchko Michael Austin TX 78703-2284
Butler Charles Windermere FL 34786-5301
Carver Linwood Columbus OH 43212-3523
Chaklos Thomas Prior Lake MN 55372-8015
Cheeseman Charles Port Orange FL 32128-6922
Clanton Paul Loveland OH 45140-9323
Clark Kirk Aurora CO 80010-4743
Conlan Ralph Port Orange FL 32128-6643
Connerat Edwin Savannah GA 31401-4610
Connolly Robert Bonsall CA 92003-5621
Cornetet Gerald Fort Collins CO 80525-5853
Daniel Gerald Columbia SC 29229-8946
Daugherty Jerry Morrison CO 80465-2248
Davey Robert Duarte CA 91010-1244
Davis Sheridan Bedford NH 03110-5603
DeBerry Robert Des Moines IA 50310-3909
Dehne Denis Reno NV 89502-5745
D'Entremont James Denton TX 76207-6631
Dinning Otis Seaford VA 23696-2506
Dinsmore John San Antonio TX 78250-3517
Donovan Daniel Papillion NE 68046-6004
Duvall Ronald Las Vegas NV 89118-0336
Dykes Frederick Great Falls VA 22066-1411
Easter John Buffalo NY 14221-1846
Eaton James Wilmington NC 28409-8170
Eckel G. Concord MA 01742-2240
Egan Donald Englewood CO 80155-4678
Ellsworth John Randolph VT 05060-0286
Emanuel Roy Aurora NE 68818-6703
Engels Geoffrey Warner Robins GA 31088-6328
Fallon Clifford Hayden ID 83835-7588
Farrington Arthur McLean VA 22101-5061
Felts Robert Elk Grove CA 95624-4903
Fer John San Pedro CA 90731-6849
Ferris Dean Jasper GA 30143-7255
Fiedler Frederick Phoenix AZ 85018-1156
Fisher Kenneth Arlington VA 22207-2635
Flanagan John Falmouth MA 02540-2236
Fleming Kenneth Port Orange FL 32129-7512
Forrest Gary Gulfport MS 39503-4139
Fritz Nicholas Arlington VA 22202-1534
Funk Evan Gig Harbor WA 98332-7882
Gabel Beau Oviedo FL 32766-0000
Gallagher James Holladay UT 84117-6405
Geiger John Williamsburg VA 23188-7895
Gibson Robert Annandale VA 22003-1436
Gillson Arthur West Salem OH 44287-9142
Gilmartin Richard Centennial CO 80112-2623
Goldsmith Maynard Auburn WA 98092-2522
Gooch Lawrence Santa Maria CA 93455-1693
Goodenough Russell Thousand Oaks CA 91360-7101
Gray Willie Melbourne FL 32940-7049
Green Robert Fort Myers FL 33913-6926
Griffin Chester Fairfax Station VA 22039-2823
Guilmartin John Columbus OH 43235-3344
Hale Charles Moreno Valley CA 92555-7220
Hall Lanny Sacramento CA 95826-1661
Hallager Donald Springfield VA 22153-1205
Hamrick Gary Colorado Springs CO 80906-4426
Harmon Larry San Diego CA 92128-1251
Harrison George Atlanta GA 30342-4500
Harvey William Laughlin AFB TX 78840-9324
Harwick Alexander Tallassee AL 36078-6334
Haugen William Falls Church VA 22046-2201
Hauser Jack Chesterfield MO 63005-4422
Hawkins Frederic Atherton CA 94027-4005
Heacox Donald Deming NM 88030-6014
Hendryx Frederick Loveland OH 45140-8935
Henshaw Robert Lahaska PA 18931-0054
Hepburn Philip Hampton NH 03842-1460
Herter Walter Richmond VA 23238-5728
Hertzog Randolph Blandon PA 19510-9667
High John Wilson NC 27896-1306
Hines Joseph Apopka FL 32703-4969
Hodgkinson Richard Londonderry NH 03053-2536
Hoffert Richard Shalimar FL 32579-1213
Holbrow Willmore Diamond Bar CA 91765-3714
Holcomb Robert Littleton CO 80163-0405
Holt David Roswell GA 30075-6812
Hopkins Robert Laguna Niguel CA 92677-8626
Hughes Michael Davidsonville MD 21035-1608
Huntsman Robert Richfield UT 84701-2002
Hutchinson Donald Corrales NM 87048-8571
Hutchison Thomas Grand Prairie TX 75052-8005
Jackson Edgar Mary Esther FL 32569-2258
Jamba John Satellite Beach FL 32937-3934
Jensen Larry Mesa AZ 85215-2336
Jensen Niels Helotes TX 78023-4225
Johnson Leo Fairfax OK 74637-2509
Johnson Richard Elizabethton TN 37643-4036
Johnson Richard La Jolla CA 92037-6254
Johnston Bernard Colorado Springs CO 80917-3711
Johnston Charles McLean VA 22102-1450
Keaney Thomas Falls Church VA 22044-2617
Keck Harold Goldsboro NC 27530-9087
Keighery Robert Haymarket VA 20169-6163
Kennedy Thomas Litchfield Park AZ 85340-9752
Kepner Dennis Hampton NH 03842-3338
Keppen Keith Fairhope AL 36532-6342
Keyes August Greenville NC 27858-4976
Klass Richard Arlington VA 22207-4661
Knipp William Tampa FL 33647-2597
Krebs Richard Leicester NC 28748-6386
Kuchlewski Robert Dayton OH 45420-1878
Lancaster Lanny Arlington VA 22207-3961
Landers Paul Bullard TX 75757-8815
Lannon Robert Austin TX 78703-3434
Larson Charles Lakewood WA 98498-3265
Larson George Jackson WY 83001-4337
Lee David Centerville OH 45458-6036
Lenox Hamilton Rolla MO 65401-0000
Lentz Gary Farmville VA 23901-4038
Lightsey Robert Alexandria VA 22309-2208
Lorenzini Dino Great Falls VA 22066-1528
Luebbermann John Sacramento CA 95826-1659
Lyddane George Encino CA 91436-4219
Lynn Lawrence Panama City FL 32404-8516
Lyon David Kuna ID 83634-3441
Mack James Colorado Springs CO 80921-3532
MacLennan Jerome Merced CA 95340-3123
Mages James Jordan MN 55352-9462
Major Michael Reno NV 89511-8697
Mangold Richard Albuquerque NM 87111-4164
Marshall Lyman Anderson SC 29621-5835
Martinelli Edward Eagle Mountain UT 84043-4993
McAtee Thomas Fort Worth TX 76132-1105
McClintock Raymond Huntsville TX 77320-3412
McDonough Robert Saint Charles MO 63303-1139
McHugh Eugene Port Republic MD 20676-2616
McNaughton Robert Mesa AZ 85207-6930
Merkel Philip Oakton VA 22124-2037
Mettler Stephen Atlanta GA 30342-2865
Meyers Roger Tucson AZ 85739-1753
Mickel Richard Lancaster VA 22503-2441
Moore Thomas Hampton, VA 23669-4546
Mosher Alan Tucson AZ 85750-1933
Needham Kenneth Sierra Vista AZ 85636-3934
Neff Ted Marion NC 28752-7457
Netzinger Don Warner Robins GA 31088-6568
Newman Edwin Banner Elk NC 28604-9393
Nichols James Fort Myers FL 33912-1258
Nielson Steve Alexandria VA 22314-3811
Niemi Nels Haines AK 99827-1347
Ohman Nils Colorado Springs CO 80921-2819
Olson David Sioux Falls SD 57105-7122
O'Rourke William Folsom LA 70437-3222
Paddon Harry Lady Lake FL 32159-5763
Page Embert Littleton CO 80128-4164
Paquet Robert Las Vegas NV 89103-4252
Parker Richard Greensboro NC 27410-8534
Parker Robert Brookton ME 04413-9604
Patrie Stanley Flat Rock NC 28731-9519
Peck Gaillard Las Vegas NV 89131-0214
Pederson David Niceville FL 32578-7102
Pemberton Daniel Thousand Oaks CA 91360-1810
Perlotto Richard Coral Gables FL 33134-2223
Pirtle Paul Mesilla NM 88046-0548
Price Charles Valdosta GA 31605-1060
Quinton Michael San Diego CA 92122-4029
Ramsey Richard Marion IA 52302-9527
Rausch John APO AE 09012-8868
Reeves Raymond Merritt Island FL 32952-2905
Rentenbach T. Mike Knoxville TN 37919-6407
Rhoades Roger Orange CA 92867-2473
Rhodes Harold Woodbury CT 06798-2928
Richardson Colin Satellite Beach FL 32937-3156
Robbins Warren Federal Way WA 98023-2122
Robbins Eugene Puyallup WA 98374-3341
Robinson Paul Monument CO 80132-8257
Robinson Peter Albuquerque NM 87107-2631
Roderick Norman Placitas NM 87043-8907
Roe David Pella IA 50219-1126
Rokke Ervin Bethlehem PA 18018-5821
Scauzillo Robert Seattle WA 98119-2771
Schaller Robert Colorado Springs CO 80919-1136
Schamberger Randall Niceville FL 32578-4028
Schieber Michael Lake Oswego OR 97034-4124
Schoof Richard Woodbridge VA 22192-6035
Searl Clinton Quakertown PA 18951-3025
Sell Richard Scottsdale AZ 85258-1533
Shepperd Donald Tucson AZ 85718-1530
Sigman Allen Centennial CO 80122-3816
Singleton Jerry Keller TX 76244-2644
Smith Francis Fair Oaks Ranch TX 78015-4535
Smith Jerry Dallas TX 75225-7434
Smith Roger Hermosa Beach CA 90254-3536
Smith John Colorado Springs CO 80919-1519
Smull Richard Purcellville VA 20132-3289
Snyder Warren Acworth GA 30101-4659
Spicer Edward Pine AZ 85544-2232
Spory Ralph Colorado Springs CO 80907-7333
Stafford Roy Alexandria VA 22304-8614
Staib Robert Plano TX 75093-4761
Stanton Edward Houston TX 77042-2808
Staples Jon Colorado Springs CO 80921-3529
Svitenko Lewis Wolf Creek OR 97497-0007
Swonson John Phoenix AZ 85020-4844
Taylor Robert Little River SC 29566-7362
Taylor Ronnie Mc Cormick SC 29835-2819
Thompson George Pskov 180000
Tice Charles Jonesville NC 28642-9543
Tietge Michael Victor MT 59875-9648
Tomlin Troy San Jose CA 95135-1428
Travis David St Petersburg FL 33704-3016
Tupper Nathan Dayton OH 45440-1201
Turner Charles Fairview TX 75069-1255
Urban Frank San Dimas CA 91773-4237
Van Sant Bradley Woodland CA 95695-5558
Vaughan David Beavercreek OH 45431-4709
Viccellio Henry Bainbridge Island WA 98110-2946
Weatherhead Herbert Beavercreek OH 45431-8766
Wedemeyer Austin Fairfield CA 94534-1424
Weight Robert Denver CO 80220-1541
Westhorp David Hendersonville TN 37075-8765
Wheeler Richard Austin TX 78746-7605
Wheeler Edd Tucker GA 30084-3208
Whitman David Roseville CA 95678-6107
Whitted James Los Angeles CA 90034-5629
Wicklein Walter Baltimore MD 21234-1417
Williams Michael Fort Worth TX 76116-9312
Williams Richard Dana Point CA 92629-1625
Wilson Murle Aurora CO 80014-3396
Wilson Glen Springdale AR 72764-9750
Wilson Lyle Oak Hill FL 32759-9347
Wood Vern Grapevine TX 76051-8412
Woodworth Clifton Winter Springs FL 32708-4501
Wright Leonard Boerne TX 78006-5542
Wylie Allan South Strafford VT 05070-0053
Young Gerard Largo FL 33770
Zaleski Joseph Charleston WV 25302-4464