As often as possible...
(Gadfly: A Citizen who reports on things for other citizens in order to arouse them from complacency.) By Sam Dehné, Flapdoodle Evaluator (Note: It is all-right to be redundant... about important things. And if you are confused by the numbering system, so are we.)
20. Reno's Un-american Airport is stacking itself with what it calls a "citizens advisory committee". You can bet it will be another of those deals where the appointed fat cat amateurs will appoint more amateur business crony-clones. As usual, there will be no citizen advocates... as the airport continues its citizens-be-damned cancerous growth policies. Incompetence and corruption ooze so badly that people literally slip when they try to walk around those offices.
19. Despite what the Reno Un-american Airport's $312,000 taxpayer financed Brainwashing Machine would like you to believe, there has been no official vote to move the Air Guard to Rewana Farms. Why are they afraid to face the public? Why do they just keep quibbling about this issue... trying to make people think it is a "done deal", when it isn't? There are still a lot of brave citizens fighting against the theft of their land... by the airport... with public funds.
19a. Their lawsuit against the bullying airport is to be heard before judges (in California) in December. Let's hope they are honorable and do the right thing. Cancerous airport expansion must be stopped... for the sake of dozens of 1,000s of innocent civilians. This travesty is much worse than the "Save the Mapes" brouhaha...
18. Now... when citizens want to complain about Reno's Un-american Airport... they will have to contend with the District Attorney. No conflict of interest there? Most citizens respect the Office of the District Attorney, but who will the D.A. be supporting? Can his office serve 2 masters? Which will it be? Let's remember... it is the citizens who do the electing and deserve his loyalty. NOT an airport that is continuously embroiled in self-induced controversy...
18a. The Reno Gazette opines that; "... the authority has left itself open to the perception that there are conflicts of interest between the public's desires and the airports business interests..." Why has this "perception" happened? BECAUSE IT IS TRUE! There are too many Airport conflicts of interest popping up all over down there...
18b. That "authority" is mostly packed with amateurish Special Interest lackeys who are ignorant of people-friendly airport policies... AND who have a goal to NOT ensure the well-being and safety of Reno's citizens. (Incidentally, it is their official policy to ensure the well-being and safety of the traveling public and airport employees... but NOT Reno's innocent citizens...)
17. Another "Blight gauge"... to determine for yourselves just how bad Reno is getting: Check out the massive increase in cars parked on the streets... everywhere you go... indicating mucho "doubling up" in apartments. Not a good sign...
17a. The role of good government (of course this is an oxymoron) is to "Sound the Will of the People... and then Honor it". In Reno there is a $680,000 taxpayer-funded Propaganda Machine. Their mantra is "consensus building"... which is nothing more than Brainwashing.
17b. Do you have any Blight Gauges? "Click" here and then write them down.
16. Isn't it unfortunate that the all of the attention being paid to the shady dealings of the mayor and city hall have diverted much needed attention away from the terrible mess at the Un-american Reno airport? But, then, aren't they intertwined anyway? So... so what! Their common goal is to make sure that the facts don't get in the way of BAD government. Remember, a) city hall has a $680,000+ Tax-Financed Propaganda Machine and b) the Airport has a $312,000+ Tax-Financed Propaganda Machine...
16a. For some eye-opening QUESTIONS about local government, please "click-link" here.
15. So, "Gaming Win and Jobs Boost the Local Economy"... the Reno Gazette reports. What is going to happen when the economy slumps (and it eventually will), and more casinos and businesses downsize and/or go out of business... putting 1,000s of local workers out of work? What are these poor workers going to do to put food on the table? Watch out, Reno... that is the nasty side of the cancerous growth policy of most of Reno's current government... that panders to casinos and developers... and any other big business that enters the picture.
15a. The Fat Cat mantra of "More Jobs" has many dangers. And ask yourselves... why do they want more "jobs"? Are they great humanitarians? Or are they just exploiting the workers to fill their own blotted coffers?
14. Do the shenanigans between the Reno mayor and "Parmer" Public Relations firm(s) pass the smell test? Consider this: a) "Parmer" and/or aliases were reportedly heavily involved in the mayor's 1996 election campaign, and b) huge amounts of public funds are now being funneled unilaterally (and in a previously clandestine manner) by the mayor to these cronies... Do you think other firms might have liked a shot at this plush job? What is that stench in the air?
13. Citizens are asking; was the commission paid off? How else can one explain... that, despite vehement protests from an overflowing crowd of citizens of Reno, Nevada... it reversed its earlier decision to deny BOOMTOWN a cancerous-growth-casino-development? This Fat Cat-heavy group of Special Interest lackeys again refused to take into account (or give a hoot about) the terrible impact this ill-advised expansion will have on the ENTIRE city of Reno. Increased pollution, crime, water contamination, traffic jams... and added noise-polluting and dangerous airplanes that will continue to wreak havoc with the lives of dozens of 1,000's of innocent citizens.
13a. This latest bizarre decision is only the latest in a long line of community-devastating decisions by government-sponsored panderers...
12. Las Vegas has finally started its own paper version of The Reno Citizen. It is the called Ralston Report. It's not cheap, but it is good. Not on the internet yet though.
11. Shouldn't there be a "quota" limit on the number of lawyers in government? When the limit is reached, no new lawyers until someone leaves?
10. Here's an amazing story yet to be fully verified: There is a private aerial combat flight competition in southern California... where people from all walks of life (military and civilian) go to see who is the best fighter pilot. They pay a reasonable fee to fly airplanes at speeds up to 350 mph and dogfight in the skies overhead. Guess who won the last two years. Non-pilot civilians who learned and honed their skills on computers. "Amateurs" actually climbed in these planes and beat some of the best "real" pilots!
9. So popular Reno judge (and erstwhile boxing referee) Mills Lane is off to Hollywood for fame and fortune. Will that make him a "Lane" Duck? Whew! Just kidding, Mills... we wish you the best of luck in your new venture(s), and you are always welcome in Reno.
8. EDAWN... another of those local publicly funded (your taxes) organizations top-loaded with Fat Cats. No citizens... no "workers"... to protect the other citizens who are inflicted with the blight and sprawl promulgated by these Special Interest groups... who usually live high above the blight and sprawl they create. This is the publicly funded (your taxes) organization that lists the Reno mayor's private company as the operator of the (its) Free Trade Zones! How do you spell "conflict of interest"? Or "cronyism"? Or "corporate welfare"?
8a. The chairman of EDAWN, Jeff Cordega, is one of the biggest developers in Northern Nevada. Not much conflict there... public funds helping support private development companies... his and others. That's America for you... This group of business Fat Cats can probably take (along with Reno's Un-american Airport Authority) the lion's share of credit for the destruction of the Truckee Meadows...
8b. No wonder the mayor rubber-stamps every development that crosses through city hall!
7. Fund-funneling by public officers, to and from political cronies, only gives bad government a worse name...
6. When considered on a state per capita basis, doesn't Nevada have one of the best football teams in the country? Same for basketball?
5. Where do the airlines find the audacity... to turn on their tail advertisement lights at night... as if they want 1,000s of innocent citizens below to know who is blasting them with the noise blight? Considering the nuisance they are creating, they would do themselves a favor by leaving the lights out... and just sneaking out of town.
4. It is unfortunate that the Reno mayor's antics have taken some attention away from (temporarily) the continuing conniving at Reno's Un-american Airport. Not for long though...
3. Is it true that with RenoAir's arrival in 1992, the Reno Airport bosses started immediate subsidization (aka - Corporate Welfare) by purchasing the gate jetways... a sytem usually paid for by the airline? With public tax funds?
3a. And were Airport Fat Cats secretly "rewarded" with special RenoAir stock deals?
2. Reno's Un-american Airport is getting ready to create a Task Force of citizens. Look for the regular list of "Fat Cat surrogate suspects". There will be NO effective citizen reps on that panel of amateur "Yes-Critters"...
1. How can the "system" possibly justify allowing airline pilots to make 4, 5, 6, 7 times more money than school teachers... or nurses?!?