Sam Dehne
Maybe You Should Consider a Different Party?
Vote For Nobody
Here's A Much Much Better Voting System (circa 1998)
100% paper ballots hand-counted by persons pledged to be honest or go to prison for 20 years
with no chance of parole. Each ballot has carbon copy for voter to keep.
Every voter to visit his/her polling station on election day. Sick? Out of town? Tough! Integrity ofelection takes priority over convenience, etcetera. Better to have some citizens not vote than topermit system weaknesses to be exploited by persons willing to commit treason.
No early voting or absentee mail-ins. Each ballot numbered in a manner that does not revealthe citizen's name. Each voter's carbon copy shows his/her number. Local newspaper prints all localnumbers with indicators of how individual citizens voted for candidates and issues. Numbers in eachnewspaper column must add up to announced results. Persons conspiring to throw any election tobe tried and, if found guilty, executed. Attempts at throwing any election to be clearly defined astreason.
President and veep to be decided by popular vote, 50% plus 1 or more. Politicians wanting to maintain
status quo to be identified and, within the law, to be treated with contempt and encouraged to resign.
Politicians claiming no problems with DREs to be committed to funny farms.
All judges up to and including the U.S. Supreme Court, to be elected by the sovereign people.
U.S. English to be only language employed for voting purposes. All controversial issues to be decided
by votes of the sovereign people; politicians can not be trusted to always do the right thing.
Unless attacked or unless attack against the U.S. is OBVIOUSLY imminent, wars and police actions
must be approved by the sovereign people by popular vote, 50% plus 1 or more.
Sam Dehne
Reno, Nevada
Funneling $$$ to Cronies
Kickback Contracts
Broken Voting Laws
Illegal Secret Meetings
Desecration of Freedom of Speech
Disguising Agenda Items
Bloated Council Pay Raises
Illegal Secret Meetings
Check the history: Train Trench Schemes, Rewana Farms, Cargo Schemes, RSCVA Schemes,
the list goes on and on...
Illegal Secret Meetings
This very self-explanatory Speech was given during Public Testimony at Washoe County meeting on 21 Feb, 2006.
Guy Felton,
The voting system in Washoe can NOT be trusted. The voting system CAN be
rigged to throw elections.
I challenge you stuffed-shirt Commissioners to prove that these statements
are wrong.
Hollow, huff and puff rhetoric is no substitute for hard proof. Hard proof
would include making the voting system's computer code available for public
examination. You're not willing to do this.
You people know that, whatever you do, you are protected by a rigged voting
system. We, the people, can NOT throw you out on election day!
* If you were not protected by a rigged voting system, would you act the
way you do? Of course not.
* If you were not protected by a rigged voting system, would you stomp all
over our basic American right to free speech the way you do? Of course not.
* If you were not protected by a rigged voting system, would you refuse to
answer questions about the people's business? Of course not.
* If you were not protected by a rigged voting system, would you refuse to
engage in give-and-take discussions with citizens? Of course not.
* If you were not protected by a rigged voting system, would you violate the
open meeting law? Of course not.
* If you were not protected by a rigged voting system, would you spend
millions of tax dollars without responsible discussion during public
meetings? Of course not.
* If you were not protected by a rigged voting system, would you ignore
petitions for redress of grievances? Of course not.
Once again: Electronic voting systems can NOT be trusted. Washoe's voting
system CAN be rigged to throw elections.
I challenge you sinister and ominous charlatans
to prove that these statements are wrong.
This may sound surprising, but if you are sick of rotten government,
consider joining Sam's DON'T VOTE Party.
Fact: Reno city hall (especially the mayor) can't be trusted.
Fact: Northern Nevada Banana Republic (click) style voting process (including the Secretary of State) can't be trusted... as proven in the 1998 primaries where the voting laws were broken 4,563 times with no regard to any corrective measures.
NRS 293.565 (3)
"At least 10 days before any election, the county clerk shall cause to
be mailed to each registered voter in the county a sample ballot for
his precinct with a notice informing the voter of the location of his
polling place." (No Sample Ballots were mailed - "click" to see the Complaint.)
Fact: Fat cat Special Interest money buys votes.
Fact: By being a member of Sam's DON'T VOTE Party, your vote can't be bought.
Sam's Loyal Followers Come Through! Reno's bizarre election results are more proof that the Reno/Washoe voting system is prostituted. Just look at the numbers concocted by the "machine"... especially Ward 3. Enough said.
On the other hand, this represents overwhelming support for Sam because his top campaign priority was to order his loyal followers to NOT VOTE. And more than 73% of them obeyed Sam. (He was the only person preaching this Platform; so there is no question he is the leader of the Don't Vote Party.) Sam's Don't Vote Party is by far the largest in the Reno/Washoe area. This is more proof that citizens would rather have Sam as their Watchdog... instead of intermingled with the crooks at Reno city hall. While he was striving for a somewhat larger percentage, Sam is still very proud of these loyal followers. Sam told citizens to not vote, and citizens listened.
[Of 173,746 Registered Reno/Washoe Voters only 45,764 voted. 26% of the "Registered" voters!
This Represents Success Beyond Sam's Wildest Dreams.]
The voting "situation" in Reno continues to be a sham. Everybody who follows government and cares about the community KNOWS that Sam Dehne is by far the best person to be mayor of Reno. But the perverted voting "system"... from the vote-counting charade to the billboard bribes... makes a mockery of local government. The well-oiled "machine" is staged, rigged, contaminated, orchestrated, and prostituted. In other words, it cannot be trusted.
Furthermore, all of the other candidates combined have not done as much to protect Reno citizens from their evil government as Sam... second place isn't even close. Sam knows more, fights more, tries more, writes more, and says more. What has Sam done lately?Click here
However, do not be surprised if Sam is not elected.
Our very simple Platform is a recommendation that you don't vote... unless you are happy with:
city hall funneling of your taxes to themselves, their cronies, and their sweetheart deals,
illegal taxpayer funded airport landgrabs... resulting in confiscation of citizens' homes and dead bodies in Rewana Farms,
rubberstamping of virtually every developer's cancerous growth project,
out of control noise, danger, blight, and pollution,
city hall stomping all over the USA Constitution,
the wasting of $hundreds of millions of your taxes on a railroad trench scheme that only benefits fat cats.
the wasting of $hundreds of millions of your taxes on a RSCVA expansion that only benefits fat cats.
the same old general stinking rotten northern Nevada government.
Stalin said it best: "Voters decide nothing. Vote counters decide everything!".
Over 70% of Reno citizens already belong to Sam's DON'T VOTE Party.
[quoted on the Sample Ballots]
"Per NRS 293.565 Sample Ballots are mailed to every registered voter at least 10 days before each election and may be used for making notes about candidates and questions in order to speed the voting process and avoid delays [and mainly so that citizens will know WHERE and WHEN to vote]."
This is mandatory for the election to be valid.
The (bogus) election should be voided.
Here's a letter written by an irate citizen after THIS YEAR's fraudulent primary election:
Letter to the Editor
Reno Gazette-Journal
No sample ballot
from Donnie Micciche
I am deeply disturbed by the fact that that the news media are placing the blame on the
people of Washoe County for not voting in this last election. My sister and
I, long-time registered voters but with separate addresses, received no sample
ballots as to the candidates and polling places for this election. [Nevada Law
demands that ALL registered voters get a sample ballot in the mail.
Otherwise the election is illegal. Period!]
When we called the registrar of voters, they told us many other people had
called to complain because they also had not received sample ballots. In
fact, the people in the registrar's office couldn't account for the situation
and blamed the Post Office for losing the ballots they claim to have sent
I think it is time someone looked into the situation as to what happened to
all those sample ballots that mysteriously disappeared somewhere between the
registrar's office and the Post Office.
Here's a simple explanation of how citizens are cheated:
Everyone into the Battle!
It's 1776 all over again, but this time, you are there.
It is now effectively illegal for citizens in 49 states to count their own votes on election day. This is an
exact reversal of the way we counted votes from the days of the Founding Fathers until computers were
introduced in the 1970's. By at least as early as 1988, vote tabulating had been systematically taken out
of the hands of the American people in every state but New Hampshire, which still counts votes by hand
in 70% of the neighborhood polling places. Americans are now no better off than Russians under
Communism or third worlders under tin-horn dictators with regard to determining our future through the
precious right to vote.
NOTHING no issue you care about can be fixed without restoring honest elections short of
armed rebellion. Rush Limbaugh and Gordon Liddy (among others) coo that we can change things by
voting. The implication of that position is that we can verify that what is voted by the people in the
precincts is what will be announced that night on TV. This is false as things stand (see quote from
Popular Science magazine below Main Menu). We have lost our right to honest elections. It's now up to
those running the software programs and the Big Media whether or not an election is honest. The
Secretaries of State (New Hampshire excluded) and those officials running the Boards of Election in
3000+ counties have totally abdicated their responsibilities in the matter of honest and verifiable
elections with citizen checks and balances.
The whole purpose of an election is to have a real chance to throw the current power behind the
government OUT. When you have to let the government count the vote in the back room, and they
make it illegal for you to witness what they are doing, YOU are a SERF. The bi-partisan duopoly behind
the National Democratic and National Republican Parties, in collusion with the Big TV Networks, have
made use serfs in this matter over the last 25 years. (The same collusion of the two big Parties with the
4 Big TV Networks is afoot in the disgraceful Presidential Debate Commission which is making absurd
rules to try limit he debates to the Democratic and Republican nominees only.
Since at least 1988, election night in November is just another computer game: Citizen checks and
balances absolutely forbidden by authorities in 49 states, a handful of mysterious mega-software
companies raking in tens of millions of $$'s to instruct election computers what to do on election night in
3000+ counties Election officials in 49 states at the county and state levels outrageously abdicating
their responsibilities to nameless, faceless software companies and thus violating our right to determine
our future by choosing our leaders in a fair, verifiable election process all protected by the ongoing
cover-up of ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, FOX and other establishment Big Media.
The Big TV Networks use mysterious public opinion polls, phony exit polls conducted by their joint arm
(Voter News Service) on election day, and then uncheckable computer-generated results which
make the manipulated public opinion polls and the phony exit polls come "true" a few hours after
the polls close. (In hand-counted New Hampshire, all 4 TV networks have unanimously projected
results which proved false in recent national elections - see archives, Why Big TV Networks can't
project Elections Accurately in New Hampshire.)
Stealing America and the world through computerized votefraud IS the whole ballgame in the public
arena! It is ABSURD to donate to and work for candidates or political parties while ignoring this issue.
Just as national defense protects us from foreign enemies, honest elections with citizen checks and
balances are supposed to protect us from domestic enemies. Computerized elections are delivering a
government run by domestic enemies.
Voter Fraud? If you think Sam is the only person who thinks this way you are Wrong! Real Wrong! (Click here.)
Stalin and Hitler would be jealous of America's voting scams!
(Even the Nevada Legislature agrees that you can't trust the Nevada Voting System!)
State Audit Cites Lax Supervision of New Nevada Computer
System by Secretary of State Heller (click)
(lax: careless, derelict, forgetful, negligent)
Associated Press
Nevada's deceptive "Vote Counter", Secretary of State Dean Heller, and his staff were lax in supervising development of a $2.3 million computer system, a legislative audit says.The job's completion was late by nearly one year and some of it still isn't finished, according to the audit released Wednesday.But the auditors said Heller's office has "recognized its initial weaknesses" and instituted more consistent oversight of the project."Weaknesses in planning and controls over security and disaster recovery place at risk the systems and information maintained by the Office of Secretary of State," said the examination, which was conducted from November 2001 to October 2002.Heller, in his reply to the report, said he generally agrees with the findings of the audit, which centered on the computer system for the Uniform Commercial Code and accounting systems.When completed this project will" allow citizens and businesses to take advantage of our high volume services, via a self-service online system," Heller said.
Sign up to join on the World Wide Web
email (click)
get outta here
get outta here
get outta here
Voter Fraud? If you think Sam is the only person who thinks this way (click).
Sing Sam's DON'T VOTE Song:
7 out of 10, they don't vote...
Be a don't voter... don't vote
Who's the dummy, 3 out of 10...
Be a don't voter... don't vote
4,563 times, they broke the law...
Be a don't voter... don't vote.
Be a don't voter, be a don't voter...
Be a don't voter... don't vote
Banana Republic, voting type machines...
Be a don't voter... don't vote
Join up with your neighbors, don't be a fool...
Be a don't voter... don't vote
They take all your money, then they waste it...
Be a don't voter... don't vote.
Fraud and deception, sneakin and conniving...
Be a don't voter... don't vote
Disconjerkutigulating, fools want to rule...
Be a don't voter... don't vote
Skip all the long lines, skip the wait...
Be a don't voter... don't vote
(Send us your verse, "click" to email.)
Polling place workers do not know how individual voters indicate their preferences.
Once ballots are fed into machine, who will bet
his or her life that votes are not prostituted by machine's software? Who will
bet his or her life that actual ballots are the same ballots delivered to
election headquarters -- in the instance of each precinct? Vote fraud is a
major concern of many Americans -- as demonstrated by many Websites on the
Internet. Who is familiar with the software programming of Washoe's voting
machines? Who has been permitted to examine such programming? What citizen
is qualified to evaluate such programming? Would old-time paper ballots, counted
by human eyes, not be an improvement over our computer-based system? YES!
The Greatest Cover-Up Of All:
Vote Fraud In America
by James J. Condit Jr.
You're running in your first election for City Council in a crowded field of
26 candidates. Nine will be elected. The No. 1 local anchorman comes on TV at
about 9:15 PM and announces that you're going to do very well for a first
time candidate, then flashes on the screen that you're running 12th; only
three places from victory. Such a finish would give hope to all who were
daring to "fight city hall."
Earlier in the evening, a liberal-leftist home-town university professor who
was analyzing early returns for another local TV station had projected that
your arch-rival, and his ally the sweetheart of the anti-God portion of the
establishment was headed towards defeat.
At approximately 9:45 PM, the same anchorman announces that there has been a
computer breakdown. 45 minutes later when the computers come back up, a
massive switch has occurred. You and 7 other feisty challengers have fallen
to the very bottom of the heap. The establishment sweetheart has jumped into
a winning position against all odds. Despite unprecedented public
dissatisfaction, the same old faces are elected once again. Many conclude
that "you just can't fight city hall." Things have worked out just great for
all those entrenched politicians who seemed to be the object of such public
dissatisfaction right up to election day. The next morning, you scan the
papers in vain for any mention of the computer breakdown: no record for
The above scenario is my story, but it was happening in dozens of places all
across the nation. It was 1979 and a new day had quietly dawned in America -
UNVERIFIABLE, RIGGABLE computerized vote tabulation.
Ballots for Bullets
When I was small I remember my Dad saying how in other countries they would
shoot each other to decide the transfer of power. In our country it was done
by the ballot at election time.
Millions of American soldiers have fought and bled and died to protect your
right to free and fair elections; to protect your right to an orderly,
peaceful transfer of power when the people so will.
How Your Parents' Votes Were Counted
Once upon a time, Americans voted by Paper Ballot. At the end of the day
after the polls had closed, neighborhood people, Democrats and Republicans,
worked together to count the votes in the precinct (polling place) BEFORE the
votes left that precinct. The count was then posted at the precinct polling
place for all to see. This is the only way to insure a verifiable election.
Variations of method are possible, but the elements of physical ballots which
are counted and posted at the precinct before the ballots leave each precinct
are essential to insure a fair and honest count.
To rig an election with the above safeguards built in, one would have to
bribe many hundreds of neighborhood people, including key Democrats and
Republicans in each precinct you hoped to rig. Finally, the group of people
bribed at each precinct would only have access to a tiny fraction of the vote.
The Greatest Coverup Begins
About 1974 a sinister development was in full swing all over the United
States. In many areas, especially high populations regions, the votes were no
longer being counted in the precincts by neighborhood people. The switch was
on to computer vote counting systems. Typical was Cincinnati, Ohio where
votes were bundled up immediately after the polls closed and sent to a
mysterious central computer room to be counted by secret computer codes. To
add insult to injury, the votes were counted away from the watchful eye of
the entire electorate and the press.
Despite the brutal cover up that has been conducted for going on three
decades by the news media and the major parties to prevent you from hearing
about this issue, some major media news items have appeared. In a rare but
superb news story on the eve of the 1988 Presidential election, Dan Rather
(CBS Evening News) engaged in this exchange with computer expert Howard J.
Strauss of Princeton University:
Rather: "Realistically, could the fix be put on in a national election?"
Strauss: "Get me a job with the company that writes the software for this
program. (ed: Strauss was referring to the most common computer program in
use) Then I'd have access to one third of the votes. Is that enough to fix a
general election?"
"A House Without Doors"
In an earlier clip during this CBS interview, Howard J. Strauss dropped this
bombshell: "When it comes to computerized elections, there are no safeguards.
It's not a door without locks, it's a house without doors." The most succinct
introductory summary to this mind-blowing subject is found in Votescam: The
Stealing of America by James & Kenneth Collier.
The chapter begins by quoting the first words spoken by President-elect,
George Bush in his Nov. 8, 1988 victory speech in Houston, Texas. Bush said:
"We can now speak the most majestic words a democracy can offer: "The people
have spoken. . . "
The Colliers comment: "It was not "the People" of the United States who did
'the speaking' on that election day, although most of them believed it was,
and still believe it. In fact, the People did not speak at all. The voices
most of us really heard that day were the voices of computers strong, loud,
authoritative, unquestioned in their electronic finality....
Trade Secrets
The computers that spoke in November 1988 held in their inner workings small
boxes that contained secret codes that only the sellers of the computers
could read. The programs, or "source codes," were regarded as "trade
secrets." The sellers of the vote-counting software zealously guarded their
programs from the public, from election officials, from everyone on the
dubious grounds that competitors could steal their ideas if the source codes
were open to inspection....
You may ask: What "ideas" does it require to count something as simple as
ballots? Can the "ideas" be much more complex than, let's say, a supermarket
computerized cash register or an automatic bank teller machine?
The computer voting machines do not have to do anything complicated at all;
they simply must be able to register votes for the correct candidate or party
or proposal, tabulate them, count them up, and deliver arithmetically correct
People with no formal training, even children, used to do it all the time. So
why can't the public know what those secret source codes instruct the
computers to do?
It only makes common sense that every gear, every mechanism, every nook and
cranny of every part of the voting process ought to be in the sunlight, wide
open to public view. How else can the public be reasonably assured that they
are participating in an unrigged election where their vote actually means
something? Yet one of the most mysterious, low-profile, covert, shadowy,
questionable mechanisms of American democracy is the American vote count....
Computers in voting machines are effectively immune from checking and
rechecking. If they are fixed, you cannot know it, and you cannot be sure at
all of an honest tally."
If you understand the above quoted paragraphs, you understand the problem.
Crash, Cover-up, Lawsuit, Fix
Among the many struggles which have taken place all over the USA in the last
few decades over this issue, I can speak about only one from first hand
experience: Cincinnati, Ohio (covered on page 242-247 in the Collier book.)
Fortunately, the Cincinnati case illustrates as well as any other instance
how the establishment media and both major parties coalesce to thwart any
attempt to get rid of their precious, riggable computer vote counting systems.
"How Elections Are Stolen" in American Opinion magazine written in 1977 by
Dr. Susan L.M. Huck alerted me to the dangers of computerized vote counting
systems. When we actually witnessed our very own computer crash in 1979
(described on Page 1) during which everything worked out perfectly for the
"in-crowd" I knew something big and bad was up. When the Cincinnati
newspapers failed to mention the computer crash the next morning and the
accompanying candidate position shake up this was our first taste of the
media blackout that dozens of other concerned citizens were experiencing all
over the nation.
After due research and preparation, we filed suit against our local Board of
Elections in 1981, and after 4 years of public service litigation conducted
by my Father, James J. Condit Sr., our side won a decisive victory. Judge
Richard Niehaus ruled: "There is no adequate and proper safeguard against the
computers being programmed to distort the election results." What the Judge's
ruling means, is that thousands of your votes can be switched in the blink of
an eye and no one would ever be the wiser!
Judge Niehaus also issued a court order allowing us and our chosen experts
"to observe all phases of the election process" on election night 1985 with a
view that we bring evidence back to his court so that the situation could be
properly remedied.
Shortly before this court ruling, my mother-in-law had providentially alerted
me to a series called Votescam by the Collier brothers being carried in the
Washington DC-based weekly newspaper, The Spotlight. Thanks to this tip, I
was able to ask the Colliers to serve as two of our court-approved experts.
As reported in their book, the Colliers had already video-filmed women
punching votes out of voters' ballots at the Board of Elections on election
night 1982 in Miami, Florida.
And to my surprise (but not to theirs), the Colliers also caught women on
camera plucking votes out of punchcard ballots in Cincinnati, this time using
household tweezers.
Disappointingly, Judge Niehaus (in his tennis shoes) was summoned down to the
Board of Elections at about 7:30 PM on that 1985 election night by the heads
of both the Republican and Democratic Parties. The Judge, in a highly unusual
move, modified his court order on the spot insisting that observing "all
phases of the election process" did not include videotaping!
The audio portion of the confrontation between Ken Collier on the one hand,
and the Judge and both local Party heads on the other, is captured on a video
camera which was pointed at the floor during the tense exchange. The Colliers
were told to quit videotaping under threat of arrest.
The next morning we appeared on the Jan Mickelson Show on WCKY Talk Radio.
Mickelson, who is one of the top Talk Show Hosts in the country, was
skeptical when Ken Collier asserted that we had video-film of women pulling
votes out of ballots with common household tweezers. He shot a quick glance
my way as if he were having second thoughts about having let us on the air at
all. But then our credibility shot sky-high when no one from the Board of
Elections was willing to come on the air against us.
Back to election night: While the Colliers' videotaping efforts were causing
such consternation to the Election officials, our other court-approved
expert, Mr. Robert Strunk, was moving quietly through the system with my
Mr. Strunk, a highly respected computer analyst who once headed the Xavier
University computer department, issued a magnificent report to the Court
detailing why the computer vote counting system was NOT verifiable. Mr.
Strunk said that to believe the published results under this computer system
was "an act of faith."
Please observe that the conclusions of Mr. Strauss and Mr. Strunk, as well as
the conclusions of dozens of other honest computer experts, agree completely
on the unverifiability of these computer vote counting systems. As far as we
know, there is not one computer expert in the nation who has gone on record
in an attempt to refute these scholarly individuals.
Despite his previous fine decisions, Judge Niehaus, perhaps feeling the heat
from the local power structure, excused himself from taking any action to
remedy the riggable computer system by announcing that he was a "pacifist"
judge whatever that means. We appealed, and two years later in 1987 our
deplorable Court of Appeals dismissed the six year-old case stating absurdly
that the county judge did not have any jurisdiction over the county computer
vote counting system.
Whistle-blowers Emerge
In the meantime, something momentous happened. Two whistle-blowers had come
forth from Cincinnati Bell. One of them eventually testified in convincing
detail during court proceedings connected with our lawsuit that he had been
involved in causing a computer crash while helping to alter the local 1979
election by wiretapping into our computer vote counting system. (The reader
will recall that this was the very year we had been stunned by the candidate
shake-up which occurred seemingly during the computer shutdown.). The key
whistle-blower had already watched for several years as a Congressman, the
FBI, and all the press stonewalled his evidence.
On election eve 1986, Cincinnatus Political Action Committee, our local
political vehicle, had issued a press release asking the media how they could
ignore Judge Niehaus's finding and continue to report local elections as
business as usual when the same riggable computer system was still counting
the votes. Only Channel 12 responded and took a brief statement from me, but
the spot they aired right after Monday Night Football caught the attention of
the key whistle-blower, and he contacted us the next day, election day '86.
After another year of being stonewalled, we convinced the frustrated
whistle-blowers that the only way to break through the media censorship was
to utilize a little known law which forces TV and radio stations to accept a
candidate's political ads provided no obscenity is involved.
Days before our TV ad featuring the whistle-blowers was to air, Judge Niehaus
again played a key role when he ruled favorably on my Father's request to
allow the key whistle-blower to enter his sworn testimony about wiretapping
the computer on election nights as well as causing that crash in 1979 into
our suit against the Board of Elections, which had not yet been thrown out by
the Court of Appeals. Together the TV ad and the sworn testimony combined to
spark the only two significant local major media reports that have ever
appeared. Anchor Nick Clooney and reporter Mary Krutko of Channel 12 aired an
excellent, in-depth local TV segment, and twenty minutes later during the
same newscast our TV ad featuring the whistle-blowers ran.
The next morning (Oct. 30, 1987), reporter Randy Ludlow wrote an outstanding
article in the Cincinnati Post. But these two reports alerted the Media
Moguls and the media curtain of censorship was slammed down.
Eventually a cornucopia of press coverage did ensue but it focused on other
aspects of the story, while maintaining the brutal cover-up of the vote fraud
issue. All the rest of the coverage was devoted to relative trivia such as
which millionaires and organizations had been allegedly phone tapped,
speculation as to why, etc. etc. etc.
By time the smoke had cleared in the wiretapping story, 5 policemen had
resigned in disgrace and Cincinnati Bell admitted one of its trucks had been
used in wiretapping activities. The Wall Street Journal had mentioned the
story, local Cincinnati newspapers, TV, and radio stations combined to carry
over 400 reports and 60 Minutes aired a segment on the Cincinnati wiretapping
story. The chief computer man at the local Board of Elections admitted under
oath that if someone had the relevant codes he would have a 100% chance to
alter the election results.
But omitted from all major media press coverage, with the two already noted
exceptions, was any intelligible reporting on the votefraud aspect of the
story. (Several highly explosive radio shows featuring the Colliers, the
whistle-blowers, and myself are preserved on audiotape. Our TV commercial
featuring the whistle-blowers and the local Channel 12 spot is preserved on
videotape as is an hour interview which I conducted with one of the
whistle-blowers early on just in case we had not been able to break through
the media curtain.)
New Yorker Magazine, Dan Rather, and the U.S. Department of Commerce
Even though 99% of the investigative reporting on votescam has been done by
private citizens and non-establishment investigators (for instance, while the
"respectable" New York Times has done only 3 stories on the subject, the
"persona non grata" Spotlight weekly was carrying over 300 stories), there
have been enough establishment sponsored stories to demonstrate that the
major news media has what some call "guilty knowledge."
On the eve of the Bush-Dukakis election, Ronnie Dugger broke the almost total
silence in the major media on votescam when his article "The Dangers of
Computerized Voting" appeared as a cover story in the Nov. 7, 1988 issue of
New Yorker magazine (This dynamite article is available in most libraries).
Dugger, who visited me for a week in Cincinnati during the wiretapping
uproar, exerted his journalistic skills to present this issue in an
undeniably credible manner. He documented the activities of many and varied
citizens, candidates, and experts generally unknown to each other who have
been working on votescam in virtually every region of the country from the
early 70's to the present day.
Within days of the appearance of the New Yorker cover story, CBS Evening News
with Dan Rather carried the only report to date to appear on a major TV
network, featuring computer expert Dr. Howard J. Strauss. We have also
preserved this excellent 5 minute report on videotape.
In August of 1988, the U.S. Bureau of Commerce published a comprehensive
study under the auspices of the National Bureau of Standards by Roy G.
Saltman, Special Publication 500-158 entitled "Accuracy, Integrity, and
Security in Computerized Vote-Tallying."
This is probably the most comprehensive compilation of all the lawsuits and
other aspects which surround the issue of computerized voting published thus
far. This government study supports Dugger's article, as well as supplies
mountains of evidence documenting the problems with computer vote-counting
The fact that Saltman failed to pick up our Cincinnati case -- which featured
both the most decisive judicial ruling and the only whistle-blower to come
forth to date -- demonstrates the difficulty faced by even a well-funded
government agency in compiling a comprehensive list of all the efforts that
have been conducted to expose the dangers of computerized vote tabulating.
The thus-far successful suppression of the votescam issue from widespread
public notice is a chilling demonstration of major media censorship in
Why Does the Board Of Elections Exist?
The Boards of Election exist for one reason: to guarantee that the results
published on election night are in fact the will of the people; to insure in
a way that can be verified that what the people voted in the thousands of
neighborhood pollings places is what shows up as the final results. It
doesn't matter how many pieces of literature are distributed, or how many TV
campaign commercials run, or how much shouting goes on, or how many debates
are televised.
If the computer programs which "count" our votes are poised to switch key
votes in the blink of an eye, the rest just doesn't matter. As computer whiz
Howard J. Strauss said at the end of that lone 1988 CBS Evening News report:
"Should we make it voluntary that we have safe elections or should we demand
safe elections?"
Reno Gazette Journal Wrong Once Again
The real true voter turnout numbers in Reno-Washoe 2000 Primary Election are as follows:
Reno - Washoe Voters
Eligible (age18)Voters.....Registered Voters .......Ballots Cast (Actual Votes)
242,000 ............................174,000 ........................46,000
Percent Who Voted ........Percent Who Voted
(46,000/242,000) .............(46,000/174,000)
19% Voted .....................26% Voted
1. Or to put it another way, 81% of all persons of voting age
voted for NOBODY... as per Sam Dehne's instructions.
Sam said don't vote and 81 out of every 100 citizens obeyed.
Out of every 100 citizens 81 of them boycotted the perverted
and prostituted voting system.
2. And contrary to another RGJ lie, Reno-Washoe had
virtually the same voter turnout as Las Vegas. The RGJ
said; " 26%... a number that would be embarrassing if the
turnout hadn't been so much worse in Clark County -
under 19 percent".
3. One of most bizarre showings: The "winner" in Ward 3
got less than 5% of the ELIGIBLE vote. 95 out of every
100 citizens did not want this person as a representative.
The numbers are not much better throughout the city.
4. And for the RGJ to call the 2 "winning" candidates of Ward 3
"vocal critics of the city council" is a deceptive joke. The only
proven VOCAL critic of city council has been Sam Dehne.
5. These are a few more reasons why the RGJ should be boycotted.
6. Continue to listen to Sam Dehne and "VOTE FOR NOBODY".
For more:
Read more about Sam As Reno mayor.
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