Click on Picture to Read More about Sam
Lt. Col. Denis "Sam" Dehne, USAF
AND for 2000, '01, '02, '03, '04, '05, '06, '08, '09, etc
Here is Why Sam Dehne is
the Citizen of the Year and of the Decade:
During his Air Force days in 1966/67 Captain Sam DEHNE single-handedly created a
Fuel Management program that saved U.S . taxpayers more than $1,000,000,000
billion dollars.
He did the volunteer work for free/gratis; as contribution to America,
through the Armed Forces "Big R - Cost Reduction Program".
This is THE DEFINITION of "Non-Profit"!
Single-handedly Saved BURNING MAN from being shut down by local government in
Sam was the Primary person who went to Govt Podiums at
many govt meetings and ubiquitously
spoke out most vehemently against this
attempted govt shutdown.
In 2003 and many times
subsequently [click].
Single-handedly spearheaded NEVADA AIR NATIONAL GUARD conversion to C-130 cargo
(instead of the fighter-jets that ANG, Reno bureaucrats, and airport were
clamouring for)
This mystical miracle saved NANG from extinction and/or re-location.
Update: Air Force finally obeyed Sam's long-standing Directive to
provide Fire-Fighting version of
Watch Sam publicly
thank Air Force for following his brilliant Directive (click).
Driving Force that persuaded Reno Airport bureaucrats to find a home for
"The Nevada CAP Wing is now based at the Reno-Tahoe International Airport."
Driving Force in creation of
Driving Force in creation of RENO BEER CRAWLS (now it’s time for a Sam Dehne
Beer Crawl.. with Crawlers
pushing podiums down the streets)
A Driving Force in having
be allocated
by random lottery. They should NOT be given as Good 'Ol boy Kickbacks to the
very same hypocrites who opposed this
natural substance for decades.
The Driving Force in hiring of
Schools for Children: Sam was Driving Force that provided encouragement
to citizens to vote in favor of the infinite
School Bond Tax. Albeit Sam argued that some of the wrong people were being
charged to pay the taxes;
as Sam vehemently opposed
over and over. The beneficiaries (who are the catalysts that are turning Reno
into a children magnet) should be paying the vast
majority of this money. Think: TRIC, Tesla, Switch, etc,etc.
Watch Sam Driving the Force as the only person
at myriad govt Public Comment podiums (click):
Sam was the ONLY Reno
citizen who went to the govt Public Comment podiums.. RSCVA, Reno, Washoe, etc..
back in the 1990s to advocate,
promote, and support this project. The ONLY citizen.
A Driving Force behind the creation of RENO "JAM ON IT" BASKETBALL tournaments.
A Driving Force (starting 1998) in creating the internationally acclaimed
(2014) A Driving Force and Poster Child that brought TESLA BATTERY FACTORY to
Reno. Spearheaded the Drive
as the Only Citizen who made myriad Official Public Appearances with mystical
magical testimony at Govt Meetings.
(click here to watch some of
DEHNE's magnetic charm and gusto on Youtube)
When the Reno casino bosses wanted somebody to order the Reno council to help
them subsidize
the critical Bowlers' Conventions, they came to DEHNE.
DEHNE was only citizen to
go to podium (Dec, 2014) and
tell bureaucrats to give casinos the help they requested. Reno council (after
much gnashing of teeth) obeyed DEHNE.
On 16 Dec, 2015 Jason Soto and Dave Cochran are hired as RENO POLICE AND
Dehne was THE Official Driving Force on numerous occasions that Directed Reno
city council to hire them.
(click here for Proof)
Dehne even initiated the
Swearing In ceremony (click).
(Note: Dehne was the Driving Force behind hiring of the previous Police Chief,
Steve Pitts.)
Citizens can thank legendary Watchdog AGAINST media mouses and govt
bureaucrats, Sam DEHNE, when they go out to enjoy
RENO BALLOON RACES. DEHNE was one of few who Directed Reno council to provide
(token) funding to support this beloved activity.
Sam is an evangelical Driving Force who helped instigate EDAWN's crusade
to remove less-than-complimentary Reno Taxi Cab
rooftop signs that promoted ignominious promiscuity (prostitution).
Sam was THE Driving Force that instigated the
Dismantlement of the election-manipulating Reno Gazette (click). Sam has
single-handedly led the
Crusade to get rid of the media mouses who are treacherously afraid and jealous
of Sam DEHNE, Reno's legendary all-time great Watchdog against
Reno govt bureaucrats and media cowards.
Sam's BIG Complaint continues to be that RGJ dismantling should have started at
the top. (Some of Sam's
dismantling efforts started in Nov, 2015; when several of the people
masquerading as reporters were canned. As bad as they were, the treacherous
bosses at top are far worse.)
("Driving Force" means DEHNE was virtually the only person to
go to govt Public Comment
at meetings and request or demand that bureaucrats obey his Directives on the
Sam Dehne is Watchdog over local and state
government, Entertainer
for Seniors and Veterans,
Candidate for local and Congressional offices -- these (in no order of
importance) are just a few of many roles that are filled in exemplary manner by
Air Force
LTC Sam Dehne (ret) of Reno,
Nevada. And he does it all for free.
As a volunteer guitarist, singer, and entertainer, Sam performs regularly at a
number of senior facilities in Reno and Carson City, Nevada. He has done so for
more than ten years (1,000 occasions), thereby enriching the lives of hundreds
of citizens and veterans. Tying in with this, Sam had several years of weekly
community-cable television programs in Reno and Carson City.
These 1 hour
broadcasts show-cased his government-oversight Crusade and his musical talents in
an entertaining and stylish fashion.
As a monitor of local and state government, Sam attends meetings of the Reno
City Council, the Washoe County Commission (and previously for many years: the Reno Airport Board, Reno Convention Board, and Board of Carson City Supervisors on a regular
basis). He testifies during every meeting on issues of
concern to average citizens and the common good. Over 5,000 of his podium
presentations are documented on
official video tapes.
Sam serves as an outspoken advocate of openness and honesty; as opposed to powerful
interests who are far too often capable of circumventing regular checks and balances.
Sam has attended 99.6% of Reno govt meetings over the past 22 years. He
has made record-setting number of positive and practical suggestions for improving government.
He has also exposed faults in myriad issues and in certain persons and
especially in the local media.
In one just one of 100s of examples, Sam exposed wrongdoing on the part of the Nevada Commission on
Ethics (click) by suing its members in federal court and winning! That "good-old boy"
Commission had tried to intimidate and suppress Sam's Guard-Angeling battles by attempting
to fine him $5,000 for pressing a valid Complaint against Reno's then-mayor. The
severely biased Commission went so far as to permit the involved mayor to participate in
its deliberations as to how to suppress Sam! His win in court led to an
overhaul of the Commission's corrupt practices.
Sam's pioneer website, Reno Citizen dot Com,
demonstrates his comprehensive concerns and whimsical sense of humor. It combines
his Watchdogging with his musical entertaining talents. As a matter of
fact Sam often testifies with guitar in hand and comments are made via
extemporaneous rockabilly-style musical poetry.
As a candidate for public offices, Sam has campaigned on many occasions for seats
on the Reno City Council, the Washoe County Commission, and
twice for
United States Congress.
He has refused to accept campaign donations from
entities that would expect paybacks, and his runs for office have been
tainted with myriad vote counting
Sam is not popular among Nevada's movers and shakers... and especially the
media. The glaring irregularities in local elections point to vote-tampering
being used against Sam during every election cycle. Electronic
“video game” voting machines like those used in all Nevada counties have
been outlawed in California because they can be easily rigged to throw
elections. Needless to say, Election Reform is a high priority in Sam's undertakings.
The theme of extraordinary "Service before Self" applies to Sam Dehne without
question. The pattern of making a difference in the lives of others
through his continued and on-going commitment to his community and to the oath
he swore to as an Air Force Academy Cadet describes Sam's
lifestyle. The concept of being "just" a good average citizen is not a fit
for Sam. Every day in Sam's life results in benefits for other persons and
the common good ~ by intent.
There's nobody any better at what Sam
does. Philanthropically and extemporaneously!
Sam's life during his "retirement" years can be better appreciated when put into
context of his earlier years:
As the son of a regular Army officer and medical doctor who participated in the
D-Day landings and later occupation of Berlin, Sam's childhood included living
in such places as Germany and the Panama Canal Zone, etc.
Sam graduated from the United States Air Force Academy in 1962.
Master boxer - USAFA, 139-pound champion, 1961.
Sam flew nuclear-armed B-52s, reconnaissance RF-4s and RF-101s, accomplishing a
very rare Perfect Flying Safety Record for 26 years as Air Force and Airline
He single-handedly created a B-52 Fuel Management program that has saved U.S . taxpayers roughly
$1 billion.
Sam was a Pilot for Pan American Airlines until that proud airline was blown out
of business by terrorists.
Sam was elected Pan Am union chairman for 4 terms (New York Pilots /2nd
Sam has been editor, publisher, reporter, protagonist, and antagonist for
The Reno Citizen magazine for over 20
years... a pioneering internet effort.
Sam Dehne is making his retirement years count in significant ways. He more than
deserves serious consideration for the Above and Beyond Citizen Honors
When it comes to impact on America and the community; doing everything from
Watchdogging government bureaucrats and the media, from protecting Freedom of
Speech, from creating and proposing ideas and schemes that have saved citizens
untold millions of tax dollars, to bringing joy to hundreds of Citizens and
Veterans at Senior Facilities, Sam Dehne stands alone!
Day after day, week after week, and year after year Sam donates and dedicates
his myriad talents in just about every venue imaginable.
And he does it for love of country.
As another aside, Sam's big-heartedness also made Santa Land at Reno Park Lane
possible for two years. Anyone who thinks this was a money-making venture is
Sam's Santa Land later moved to a mall in Carson City where
gave joy to hundreds of kids. Until Santa sadly passed away.
While some other irresponsible persons are thinking about the weather, Sam Dehne
is helping to benefit our community in many ways ~ 365 days a year. Let those
(few) who are his peers judge him ~ and not village idiots.
Lt Col Denis "Sam" Dehne, USAF (ret)
Reno, NV 89502
Click Back to The Reno Citizen
The Reno area has about the normal amount of standard volunteers who offer
their talents and time. But there is one enormous and obvious exception.
When it comes to impact on the community; doing everything from Watchdogging
government bureaucrats and the media, from protecting Freedom of Speech, from
creating and proposing ideas and schemes that have saved citizens untold
millions of tax dollars, to bringing joy to hundreds of Citizens and Veterans at
Senior Facilities, Sam Dehne stands alone!
Day after day, week after week, and year after year Sam donates and dedicates
his myriad talents in just about every venue imaginable. And he does it
for nothing.
Not only is Sam the Reno Citizen of the Year... he is unarguably the Reno
Citizen of the Decade.
Sam sets the standard when it comes to both quality of contribution and quantity
of contribution.
The other volunteer citizens certainly deserve kudos and Honorable
Relative to the submission of this nomination, it must be noted that Sam Dehne
has been the most vehement critic of the Reno Gazette in its history; using
every technique imaginable from televised verbal admonitions to songs with his
guitar. An Honest newspaper, however, would not hold this against him. They
would be proud of his sophisticated and charming rebukes.
We shall see.
Here are just a few of the accomplishments that qualify Sam Dehne for First
Place as Reno Citizen of the Year:
* September, 2007 - Sam established the: 5,000/1,000/60/20
Service Society". (It's exclusively Sam's Society)
Some other Accomplishments:
* $1,000,000,000 (est.) B-52 Fuel Savings
Operation created.
* $100,000,000 (est.) saved by
correcting the Nevada Air National
Guard mission.
* Instigated and championed
Reno's Downtown Convention
Center with RSCVA/Legislature -
* Saved the Reno Parking
Meters from being 24 hour fees.
* Graduate United States Air Force
Academy 1962.
* Air Force pilot in B-52, RF-4,
RF-101 with Perfect Flying Safety
Record for 20 years (ret Lt Col).
* Pan Am pilot until airline
blown out of business by terrorists.
* PAA Union Chairman 4 terms
(New York Pilots/2nd Officers).
* Performed more than 850
Charity Concerts for Seniors.
* Master boxer - USAFA 139#
Champion 1961.
* Government Watchdog
with over 5,000 authenticated
oversight "lectures" at Reno area
govt meetings (savings
unknown, but easily in the
$100's of millions).
* Editor, publisher, reporter
for The Reno Citizen
magazine for over 10 years...
a pioneering internet effort.
* Singing/playing repertoire
of over 1,000 of songs from memory.
* Sam continues to maintain
his humbleness throughout.
Note: This is the "Reader's Digest" version...
and a Work In Progress.