Reno Watchdog
Takes Giant Steps Toward Justice
Press Release
First 3 Judges, And Then The
ENTIRE High Court, Say -
Let the Juries Watch the Video Tapes of the Crimes
Report of 9/11 - 2003
[NOTE of Tragic Disgrace: Unfortunately both of these
two Historical Lawsuits were remanded back to the exact
same Reno courts that WHITEWASHED them in the first place. AND THEY WERE
On the anniversary of this historic and tragic day in America's history
a Panel of 3 Honorable Judges of the 9th Federal Circuit Court in
San Francisco overturned the WHITEWASHING of two separate
Lawsuits launched by Reno's Govt Watchdog (and Air Force
Academy graduate and former Air Force bomber and fighter pilot)
Sam Dehne (click) against:
(1) The city of Reno ("Clown" Case) and,
(2) The Reno Airport ("Kidnap" Case).
The Higher Court ordered the cases remanded back to Reno,
Nevada for separate trials in front of juries.
Official video tapes plainly show the crimes being committed by
these government agencies of Reno and of the Reno Airport... as
they mutilated and stomped all over the U. S. Constitution.
The High Court Ordered that these cases must be heard and
decided by juries; in essence saying - put these
^$@#^*$@(#^)%&%@ govt bureaucrats on trial...
and then spank them... hard.
Extensive background on these cases can be found at:
Kidnapping By The Reno Airport (click)
Reno's Clown Mayor Griffin Breaks the Law (click)
Citizens (once again) should not expect any fair reports from
local Reno media about these historic and monumental
Federal Court Decrees.
The local Reno media are too busy covering up for their
bureaucratic benefactors and with Reno Air Races
forecasting... with their slogan... that it's "all gonna hit the fan".
However, local media can cover up the fat cats' fan(nies)
for only so long...
Sam Dehne, Lt Col, USAF (ret)
775 825-1398
Associated Press Version (click)
Note 1: As predicted the RGJ hid this very important News Report (WRITTEN BY SAN FRANCISCO Asssociated Press) back on page 8-C.
And what was on the RGJ Front Page that day? A story about Salsa dancing in Carson City, some Burning Man citations... oh and something about a cat caught in a tree.
Note2: Gadfly - a citizen (often of heroic nature) who tries to rouse others from complacency.
(15 August, 2003 - Note: At the bottom is the internet Associated Press report on the Court Hearings in San Francisco. The RGJ did not deem it important enough to send a reporter... or to even try to write a report of their own... although the paper version of the RGJ did significantly launder the AP report. And then they had the "courage" to put it right there on page 11C. Furthermore, the internet version could only be found via a "Search". Why is the RGJ and Reno media so afraid and jealous of Sam? He should be their Hero... as Reno's ace number-one defender and protector of the First Amendment... which is what allows the RGJ to be in business if the first place. HEY! WHO ERASED THE TAPE?)
For Immediate Release to All Media
17 June, 2003
The 9th Circuit Court of Appeals will preside over two Federal Complaints filed by Sam Dehne and his attorneys that expose blatant ongoing and premeditated violations of public policy and abuse of authority permeated and perpetrated by some Reno public officials starting almost 3 years ago.
The two separate Federal Complaints have to do with gross violations of the United States Constitution by (1) the Reno Airport and (2) the city of Reno.
After two local Reno Judges failed to see the flagrant public abuse of Dehne that can be plainly seen on official video tapes, the Federal Appeals Judges have decided that enough is enough. Reno's "good 'ol boy" shenanigans will no longer be tolerated.
Dehne's Reno based attorneys, Martin Crowley and Jeff Dickerson, will present this retired Air Force pilot's side of the story on August 14, 2003.
Details of the shameless treatment of this Air Force Veteran can be found at:
Kidnapping By The Reno Airport (click)
Reno's Clown Mayor Griffin Breaks the Law (click)
Dehne, who divides his time between monitoring and lecturing at local government meetings and performing 15 concerts each month at numerous seniors' venues, said, "I was confident that the video tapes would convince the judges to rule in my favor. Now we will find out who erased the part of the tape where I was kidnapped by the Reno airport." Dehne also said he looks forward to showing the video tapes to the juries.
Comments and Questions can be directed to:
(1) The Reno Citizen Magazine ( )
(3) 775 825-1398
The local Reno media regurgitators are too jealous and afraid of this retired military senior citizen to report the Truth. But ace reporter Tom Mitchell of Las Vegas number one newspaper the Review Journal certainly wasn't afraid. Here is his report... that helped inspire Dehne and his team to forge ahead. (click)
EDITORIAL: Free speech and 'caustic' attacks
Federal court allows public officials to muzzle citizens
Reno politicians just can't get rid of Sam Dehne. For years now, the gadfly has been a thorn in their side, to put it mildly.
In 2001, in federal district court, Mr. Dehne won a First Amendment lawsuit against the state Ethics Commission, which had fined Mr. Dehne $5,000 for filing a "false" complaint against Jeff Griffin, then the mayor of Reno. Mr. Dehne's complaint had alleged that Mr. Griffin -- who operates a business at the local airport -- violated conflict of interest laws when he met in Texas with the director of the Reno airport. The court ruled that the fine was an attempt to stifle Mr. Dehne's free-speech rights.
Even so, the courts aren't finished with the gadfly. He has again filed a First Amendment lawsuit against the city after he was expelled from a June 1999 City Council meeting. It wasn't the first time Mr. Dehne has been kicked out of the council chambers, but on this occasion he insisted on being allowed to comment on a proposal to televise airport authority meetings. After engaging in a shouting match with the mayor -- Mr. Griffin called him a "clown" -- Mr. Dehne was removed from the room. On Monday, U.S. District Judge Larry Hicks OK'd the expulsion, ruling that Mr. Dehne's "ranting" prevented the meeting from being conducted in an orderly manner; such demonstrative behavior, the judge said, is not protected by the First Amendment.
Fine. A policy-making body should certainly have the authority to efficiently conduct its business, so long as it allows open and robust feedback from the public.
Unfortunately, though, Judge Hicks went further, ruling that "caustic personal attacks on public officials" are not protected by the First Amendment. It's acceptable to criticize an official in his capacity as an agent of the government, he ruled, but calling a state functionary names cannot be allowed.
Please. This is a blatant attempt to silence an individual based on the content of his speech, which higher courts have consistently found to be unconstitutional.
As Supreme Court Justice Felix Frankfurter wrote in the 1944 Baumgartner v. U.S. decision, "One of the prerogatives of American citizenship is the right to criticize public men and measures -- and that means not only informed and responsible criticism but the freedom to speak foolishly and without moderation." Judge Hicks' decision cannot be reconciled with this.
The ruling is also ripe for appeal because it will be subjectively enforced. Deputy City Attorney Craig Skau told the Gazette-Journal if a member of the public disrupts a future council meeting, the mayor or some other presiding officer will make a determination on the spot whether the criticism constitutes a personal attack or is instead a complaint about the person in his capacity as an office-holder.
This decision is an open-ended invitation for elected officials and bureaucrats to muzzle citizens who wish to participate in public policy-making. Anyone who gets hot under the collar about an agenda item of any government agency is now fair game to be tossed from the proceedings.
The First Amendment guarantees the right of any individual to seek a redress of grievances from the government. This decision mocks that solemn pledge ... and when Mr. Dehne's appeal is heard, the ruling should be reversed, quickly and absolutely. (emphasis added)Just a Few Incredible Implications:
Reno city hall and the Reno airport are liable for $millions of dollars.
There are 2 video tapes of these cowardly crimes by government bureaucrats. One tape even has the criminal confessing! On the other tape... the missing 15 seconds where this 155 pound senior citizen is being physically kidnapped by the Reno airport and ignominously hauled off to jail in handcuffs is louder in its absence... than if the kidnapping could be seen. The guilt plainly portrayed by the premeditated tape erasure speaks volumes.
The subsequent silence of the local media is more proof of their fear and jealousy of Dehne... and the guilt of these bureaucratic culprits. Citizens with any brains know that the media and Reno and the Reno airport are in cahoots circling the wagons trying to figure out how to get their fingers out of the cookie jar. The answer: It's too late.
A Speedy Trial Is Very Likely :
"Judges, we have a large pot of coffee for you... and all we want you and the jury to do is sit back and enjoy the Real-TV movies of the crimes... the official video tapes."
"You can watch 'til midnight.
That's alright.
But then you must indict.""Reno citizen critic gets day in court" (Reno Gazette version)
8/14/2003 03:55 pm (AP)
David Kravets
Denis"Sam"Dehne is a self-described"Encyclopedia of Reno Government."Reno's municipal governments, however, call this garrulous gadfly a nuisance.
Dehne has attended every Reno City Council meeting and most other local Reno government meetings since 1995. He usually takes the podium at each of those meetings. Sometimes he plays a guitar and sings. At times, he can be caustic.
"I get channeling from above. I just go to the podium and I talk... (click)
"Court weighs Reno case on rights at public hearings (Las Vegas Review Journal version)
Court weighs Reno case on rights at public hearings
Resident challenges removal from meetings
By David Kravets (AP)![]()
"Click" back to The Reno Citizen